Chapter 34 ~ Merry Christmas

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24th December. 

It was Christmas eve today. 

The weather was really chilly as I sped my bike down the street towards the Death Squad's mansion. The guards opened the gates as I parked the vehicle into the driveway and headed inside. 

I took off my jacket while Nana handed my a warm cup of coffee. I thanked her and sat down, patting Rio as he sat at my feet like a good boy. 

You know how in all normal families Christmas is celebrated so cheerfully, parties are thrown and gifts are given? 

Well, the four of us never really did that. I don't really know why, but I guess we just didn't think it was that big of a deal.  

Maybe it was because we were anything  but normal or maybe because it was a happy festival meant to spend with your family. 

I mean don't get me wrong, we were definitely more close than any family out there, but Christmas  was something we never really did. 

I guess that's because we all had separate stories of this festival before we were bought together. 

Felix and Viola spent it with their parents as him and their mother cooked while Viola and their father decorated the house. 

At Ace's house, his whole family including his parents, his elder siblings and him used to have a big feast along with the decorations and cake. But ever since his parents passed away and the whole responsibility of the Mafia fell upon his shoulders. He sort of lost the touch and connection with his siblings after that, especially because they all moved into separate countries. 

I mean they still talk sometimes, but I think it's quite shitty that they left all of this responsibility to their youngest sibling and got him involved in this messed up world just because they didn't wanna be a part of it. 

I'm not saying the Ace isn't capable of handling all this, because he most definitely is, but just because we all run a Mafia doesn't mean we don't understand the risks. 

I also know that we're all still minors and shouldn't be a part of this crap, thus one of the reasons we do not let the world know who we really are. 

Because they'll stop taking us seriously and treat us like a bunch of kids. 

But the truth is, even though we are not so old, we probably have more experience and knowledge about this stuff than any Mafia women or men out there. 

We've already seen more things than most people do in their entire lifetime, so it's not even a comparison.  

Anyways, at the Dobrev mansion Christmas was celebrated with much hospitality as well. 

Before the whole 'Hostel-William-organization' thingy, the whole family used to get together including all the aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents and ofcourse, the biologicals. 

A whole feast was thrown, big decorations were done and everyone enjoyed themselves. 

Except for me ofcourse. I was comfortably excluded from the whole evening and was sent to my room for the entire evening. 

Looking back, it kinda gives me Harry Potter vibes honestly. I suppose that's the only good thing about it, considering I love Harry Potter and stuff.... so yeah...

Alfie would bring me cake to my room sometimes, but after I got sent away.....Christmas wasn't even a thing to me for seven years. 

But tonight, was gonna be different.

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