Chapter 8

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I wake up in the hospital wing.
My head hurts like shit and my eyes feel like they got like a whole bucket of sand in them.
I look at my bed and see professor Dumbledore with a box in his hand.
"Professor? Where is Harry and Ron and Hermione are they okay?!" I ask a bit panicking.
"Yes y/n everyone is okay Harry just left like maybe 10 minutes ago" Dumbledore says.
"How long have I been here?" I ask.
"A week and like the stone was top secret everyone already knows you defeated Voldemort with it" he says.
"So Voldemort is dead? And what happened to the stone?" I ask.
"The stone got destroyed my friend Nicolas and I thought it was better, and Voldemort I think he always knows a way to return." Dumbledore says.
"But mister Flamel he is going to die now right?" I ask.
"Yes he will die y/n but it's better like this" he says.
"Okay professor last question, how is it possible that I got the stone?" I ask.
"Well y/n the only one who could get the stone is someone who didn't wanted to use it, one of my brilliant ideas" he says.
I smile at him.
I look next to my bed and see a note and I look back at Dumbledore.
"No y/n I don't know who got you that" he says.
Creepy like he could read my mind...
I grab the note and read it it says:

Dear y/n,
I'm sorry for what my father did.
I know we hate each other but that wasn't okay.
Get well soon.

I smile while reading it that was actually kinda sweet right.
"And from who is it?" Dumbledore asks.
"Oh euhm from euhm no one" I say not wanting to tell him.
"Ah I see Mattheo got you there didn't he?" He asks smiling.
I blush and chuckle.
"Yeah a bit he apologized for his father" I answer.
"You know y/n he came here every night to visit you" he says.
"Really?" I ask.
"Yes I had to send him away sometimes maybe he came in the middle of the night" he answers.
I smile and after a few minutes madam Pomfrey came to tell me I could leave the hospital wing!!
I almost ran to the great hall way to excited and then I see the Slytherin decoration so our house won?!?!
That's amazing.
I see Harry, Hermione and Ron and run to them hugging them all.
"I'm so happy you guys are okay!!" I say.
"And we are happy you are okay y/n" Harry says smiling.
I feel a tap on my shoulder so I turn around revealing the one and only Mattheo Riddle.
"Hey y/n" he says.
"Euhm hey" I say.
"Did you euhm read my note?" He asks.
"Yup I did and it's okay" I say smiling.
He hugs me and I'm shocked but I still hug back.
"I'm glad you okay" he says before walking away again.
"What was that all about?" Harry asks a bit suspicious.
"Oh he said sorry about his father hurting us and I said it was okay" I say smiling.
I walk back to the Slytherin table and we wait till Dumbledore announces the winner.
"Well done Slytherin but we still have to give a few points after what happened" Dumbledore says.
30 points for Ronald Weasley.
30 for Hermione granger blah blah blah.
My brother got 50 points and Neville 10 and now Gryffindor had 10 points more then us.
"And last but not least y/n Potter for doing what's right and using difficult spells 50 points" Dumbledore says smiling at me.
Our table yells from happines cause we just fucking won the house cup!!!

~at the train station~

I just wanted to step into the train with Harry until I saw Hagrid.
I pulled Harry with me and ran to Hagrid hugging him.
"Thank you for everything" I say.
He hugs me back carefully not to squish me.
"Ofcourse y/n" he says.
"I have a little present for you two" he says handing us both a photo album.
"Thank you so much Hagrid" Me and Harry say.
"Ofcourse now go you two" he says.
Me and Harry smile and walk to the train waving at him.
I see a little tear rolling down his cheek.
We walk to the compartment where Ron and Hermione already are and we sit down.
Summer break here we come.....

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