Chapter 36

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Me and Harry were just casually walking through the snow.
Yes it was snowing and I love snow so that why we were walking through it.
Until we say a girl floating around.
She is definitely cursed.
Now she is in the hospital wing since me and Harry warned Dumbledore he told us that she was cursed by a necklace.
He doesn't know who gave her that necklace but Harry oh Harry knows for sure Draco did it.
He even told Snape and Mcgonagall.
What a dumbass.
"Was that really necessary?" I ask.
"Was what really necessary?" Harry asks.
"Telling them about that you think Draco did it you aren't even sure" I say.
"Really y/n his parents are deatheater and I'm sure he is aswel" he says.
"Do you have prove?" I ask.
"No" he answers.
"Exactly so just wait until Dumbledore found out who did it" I say.

~Christmas break~

This time we aren't staying at Hogwarts for the break we are going to the borrow.
I can't wait I love to hang out with the Weasleys.
Ginny was a good friend of mine and we sleep at the same room so that's great.
When we arrived everyone left to their rooms and I saw Harry and Ginny almost kiss.
"Hey gin" I say while walking in our room.
"Hey y/n" she says smiling.
"So you and Dean?" I ask.
They are dating but I'm sure she likes Harry and not Dean.
"Yeah we're dating" she says.
"And are you sure you like him?" I ask.
"Why wouldn't I?" She asks me.
"I saw you and Harry this evening" I say.
"Oh euhm yeah well I think I still like Harry better" she says.
"Yeah that's pretty obvious" I say smiling.
"What about you? Harry said you were always sticking up for Draco" she says.
That's funny Harry thinks I like Draco.
"Oh no definitely not I could never like Draco" I say laughing.
Ginny laughs aswel and after a while she falls asleep.
I hear Arthur and Harry talk about the closet and Draco.
Arthur says Harry shouldn't worry so much.
Exactly that's what I said.
That's when I went to sleep aswel.

~next morning~

I wake up first and help Molly in the kitchen.
My owl flies to me with a letter.
I open it and it says:

Dear y/n,
Are you having a nice Christmas?
I hope you do.
Can we please talk when the break is over.
You are everything to me I need you okay.
Please give me another change.
I love you.

I smile while reading it and Molly notices.
"From who is that?" She asks.
"Oh no one" I say.
"Secret boyfriend?" She asks chuckling.
"Oh definitely not" I say giggling.
"You are in love aren't you?" She asks me.
"Yeah but don't tell anyone" I say.
"I won't dear don't worry who is it?" She asks.
"Euhm Mattheo...." I say.
Now the hell is going to start everyone is gonna hate me they are all going to be mad.
"Mattheo Riddle?" She asks.
"Yeah" I say while looking down.
"Yeah he is cute" she says.
Wait what she isn't going to be mad well that's great.
"Yup he is and he isn't like his father he saved my life multiple times" I say smiling.
"That's cute" she says.
"What's cute?" Fred and George say.
"Oh nothing" Molly says winking at me.
"Oh do you mean y/n and Mattheo yeah that's cute" Fred says.
I look at them with wide eyes how do they know everything?!
"How do you?" I ask.
"The marauders map y/n" he says chuckling.
"But don't worry your secret is safe with us" George says.
"We are not dating guys I swear" I say.
"Whatever you say" they answer.
Oh lord this is going to be a hard time for me they aren't going to believe it.
It are the Weasley twins well I'm happy they aren't mad tho.

~in the evening~

I see Ginny and Harry together again.
They almost kiss again until someone screams.
They run outside and I follow them.
"The deateaters are here!" Arthur says.
Harry runs into the field with me and Ginny following him.
We almost die in there.
"Oh dear y/n you are way to strong for those people just join us" Bellatrix says getting closer to me.
"Never" I say while blowing them away with my wandless magic.
The deatheaters leave but they burn the borrow while leaving.
Those fucking bitches I swear!
The Weasleys are safe but the whole house burns because of those stupid deatheaters...

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