Oh your falling me

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(Sid writes a song for Summer)
Juliet : ooo who's that for ?
Sid : what no body , it's nothing
Juliet : oh really , So it's not for summer then
Sid : what no why would it be for her ?
Juliet : If you say so
(Juliet accidentally knocks Sids phone on the floor and she sees a picture of Summer on his phone)
Juliet : you do like her
Sid : no it's nothing alright , it's just a small crush
Juliet : aw Sid , so that's why you've been sticking up for her
Sid : I just know what it's like to mess up and I want her to know that she's not alone
Juliet : and that you love her
Sid : I don't love her
Juliet : why don't you play her it ?
Sid : no , now get lost Juliet !
Juliet : whoa alright
Sid : go back to your fiancé
Juliet : who ?
Sid : Peri , why who did you think I meant ?
Juliet : nothing , of course Peri , Silly me
(Juliet leaves)
(Sid continues writing his song)
(Juliet secretly records him and goes to summer)
Juliet : hey Summer
Summer : oh hey Juliet
Juliet : have you heard Sids music , it's really good
Summer : no but let's hear
Juliet : ok
(Juliet plays Summer the video)
Summer : wow yeah he is good
Juliet : I know
Summer : he must really like someone
Juliet : yeah I think he does , also he said he wants some help with Baking
Summer : oh really ?
Juliet : yeah from you obviously
Summer : oh ok I might pop round and help
Juliet : yeah you should
Summer : ok I will thanks Juliet
Juliet : no problem
(Summer knocks on the door)
Sid : Juliet it's open !
Summer : oh no it's me
(Sid freezes and hides his guitar quickly and goes upstairs and sorts his hair out)
Sid : oh hey Summer
Summer : hey you look nice
Sid : thanks you do too , so umm did you come for something ?
Summer : well Juliet told me that you needed help with baking a cake
Sid : oh Juliet said that , wow what is she like
(Summer laughs)
Summer : yeah
Sid : yeah well the kitchen is in there so umm yeah get started and I'll join you in a minute
Summer : ok
(Sid runs upstairs as he doesn't know what to do)
(Summer sees Sids phone and a photo of her on it , she realises the song is for her)
Sid : alright ?
Summer : yeah , grab an apron
Sid : alright
(Summer tries to act like she knows nothing)
Sid : you know how you manage the look good in everything that you wear
Summer : umm I don't know just me I guess
Sid : sorry I didn't mean that
Summer : it's fine
(Sid and summer bake a cake together)
(Summer spills Cake on her top)
Sid : umm Summer you've got a little bit on your top
Summer : oh yeah it's fine
Sid : here let me get it for you
Summer : no ! , I mean thanks but I just remembered Sienna wants me to baby sit the twins tonight
Sid : oh I didn't know you two were back on track
Summer : yeah we're off and on but yeah
Sid : alright see ya
Summer : see ya
(Summer runs out)
(Summer calls a taxi)
Summer : hi yeah I need a taxi now please , it's Summer ranger
(Summer plans to leave but Sid overhears her)
Closing titles

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