Another nightingale

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Romeo : Jules mum wants to talk to us
Juliet : I've got stuff to do
Romeo : Jules please
Juliet : alright fine
(Juliet and Romeo go to Donna-Marie)
Romeo : Mum what is it ?
Donna Marie : right so look I'm sorry that I've been keeping this from you but umm
Juliet : Mum what is it , what have you been hiding now ?
Donna Marie : Romeo , Juliet you have a sister
(Romeo and Juliet are shocked)
Romeo : well of course you would keep that from us
Juliet : what I have a sister
Donna Marie : yeah look I'll explain later but she's coming down to stay with us
Juliet : so I'm supposed to be ok with sharing a house with a randomer
Donna Marie : she's not a randomer , please can you two just make an effort
Romeo : I can't believe you mum
(Juliet and Romeo walk out)
(Juliet calls Nadira , but she doesn't answer so she goes to Peri)
Juliet : Pez hey , I need to talk to you
Peri : yeah go on then
Juliet : so my mum said she needs to talk to me and Romeo and then she sat us down and she said I have a sister , I mean can you believe she's kept it from me
Peri : yeah well I guess it runs in the family
Juliet : what do you mean ?
Peri : oh Jules I've got work to do , why don't you go to Summer you obviously trust her
Juliet : what ? , Pez what's this about ?
Peri : I saw you and Summer together last night
Juliet : what and you think something is going on ?
Peri : yeah that's what it looked like
Juliet : so I'm not allowed to have friends
Peri : one minute you hated Summer and now suddenly you two are bffs it's like you and Cher
Juliet : don't bring Cher into this !
Peri : the truth is I feel like whenever there is no body else around you just come running to me to help you with everything, well I'm sorry but no I'm busy
Juliet : fine if you want to be like that !
(Juliet walks off)
Peri : Oh Jules wait
(Juliet goes to Nadira)
Nadira : oh hey
Juliet : Your the only person who I trust right now
Nadira : what's happened ?
Juliet : me and Peri had a row
Nadira : that's the problem ?
Juliet : oh no so my mum sat me and Romeo down and said that she's been hiding something from us and then now suddenly I have a sister
Nadira : wait what ?
Juliet : yeah
Nadira : so you have sister ?
Juliet : yeah
Nadira : and how do you feel about that ?
Juliet : how do you think I feel , I can't believe she kept it from me
Nadira : Maybe your mum didn't want to tell you because she knew that you would react badly , but having a sister could be a great thing , I think you should give her a chance
Juliet : you think ?
Nadira : yeah
Juliet : thanks I really needed this chat
Nadira : no problem
(Juliet holds Nadira's hand)
Nadira : I should go
Juliet : Nads wait
Nadira : did you just call me Nads ?
Juliet : yeah I did why ?
Nadira : no one's ever called me that before
(Nadira smiles , Juliet smiles)
(Nadira leans in to Kiss Juliet but her phone goes off)
Nadira : it's Shaq
Juliet : oh right
Nadira : I better go I'll see you later
Juliet : yeah see you
(Macy arrives to the village)
Macy : hey sis
Juliet : Your my sister ?
Macy : yeah
(Juliet walks off)
Closing titles

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