1: Secrets

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graphic violent scenes
***mentions of / referenced SA***
other graphic content that some may find unappealing !!



Everyone has a secret.

Secrets come in all forms, such as ones so small they can easily be kept with a white lie. Secrets such as who stole the $5 out of mom's purse, or even who ate the last slice of your younger sister's birthday cake.

Then there's secrets meant to be taken to one's grave. Secrets such as where you really were when you told your girlfriend you were going to hang out with your friends, or what substance was in that baggie you sold to a freshman in the alley of the old arcade.

But what about the secrets you'd kill to keep hidden? Maybe everyone had one of those, but maybe not everyone did.

Just how far would you go to keep a secret from getting out? Would you go to the extremes?


Cries could be heard through the corridor as he ran, trying to keep himself as quiet as he could while running from the devil in disguise. Tears ran down his face, the drops basically leading the psycho directly to his location.

"Please not here. God please." He pleaded, twisting the knobs to every room he ran passed in hopes of any possible escape. He didn't deserve this, he didn't deserve to be running for his life. He was only seventeen and he was being chased by a boy with a knife who threatened his life. He just transferred here, he couldn't have possibly done anything to deserve this. Though, given the one chasing him he did have a couple guesses as to what he did to tick him off.

He groaned as yet another knob halted, showing it was locked. He began to lose any hope of making it out of this alive. He couldn't die yet, he was too young. It was early morning, so early that not even the sun had come up just yet. The hallways were still dark and eerily quiet, save for the footsteps trailing behind him. Everyone was still in their dorms, either still asleep or getting ready for the day and making breakfast. No one was around to hear him scream.

He heard a creepy laugh from behind him, causing him to launch himself at yet another classroom door, this one being his own. "Please open." He pleaded silently, praising the gods above when he heard the door click open. He ran inside, a bit of hope still in his body as he shut the door behind him. He was too worried for his safety to remember to lock it.

He ran and hid under the teachers desk, covering his mouth with his shaking hands as he tried to slow his breathing to prevent himself from making his presence obvious. Footsteps grew closer, causing his breath to hitch and stop entirely for a moment. He heard the door slide open, cursing himself for forgetting to lock it. "Oh? Did you forget to lock it? Poor you~." He cooed, stepping into the room. He had a devilish smile plastered on his face.

He looked around, finding no trace of the boy he was after. Dohyun shut his eyes, struggling to keep his breathing quiet enough.

"What an idiot you are, cornering yourself. You've accepted your fate, haven't you Dohyunnie?" He bit his lip, the smile never leaving. His footsteps could be heard growing fainter, slowly dissipating after a few seconds.

'Am I Safe?'

He removed his shaking hands from his mouth, his loud breathing becoming louder as he moved the sound restriction. The young boy felt a faint pang of relief, letting out a soft sigh as he slumped down below the teachers desk.

"Found ya!" The boy's head popped out from the side of the teacher's desk, his same devil-like smile on his face. Dohyun screamed, frozen in place from fear and lack of adrenaline. His eyes presented obvious fear as his hair was gripped and he was dragged out from his position under the desk.

"Such an idiot. I thought you'd get smarter as you grew up." The boy clicked his tongue, releasing his grip on Dohyun's hair as he threw him into the side of a desk. The boy felt the wind being knocked out of his lungs. Dohyun gasped for air, his situation finally setting in.

The boy held a knife and he was twirling the tip against his index finger. Dohyun was below him, sat on the floor. It was a game of predator and prey. He was not at the top of the food chain in this situation. "I thought you'd be smart enough to not run your mouth as well. You're just as bad as when we were children." He kneeled in front of the boy, staring at him mockingly.

Dohyun knew why he was being chased now, he knew the exact reason. He smirked to himself, biting down on his tongue as he spoke his last words ever. "If I'm going down, I'm dragging you down with me. See you in hell."

His killer grabbed his face forcefully, Dohyun trying his hardest to protest. "There's a special place in hell for snitches, Dohyunnie. Say ahh~." He used his fingers to force his mouth open, grabbing the boy's tongue in a tight grip. "You talk too much, always running your mouth whenever you please. I think it's time we fix that." And with those words, his blade sliced through the muscle.

Dohyun screamed, choking on the blood that quickly filled his mouth. "The saying is true Dohyunnie, snitches get stitches." He laughed maniacally as he threw the muscle across the room, wiping off the blood and saliva off on his black pants.

Everything hurt and he was starting to get dizzy. His vision was blurred along the edges and he felt sick to his stomach as the blood trickled down his throat. He wanted to curse at the boy, tell him his reasoning behind this was sick and he deserved to burn in the darkest pits of hell. But he also wanted to beg for forgiveness, beg him to not kill him. He could go the rest of his life not speaking, but he wasn't ready to have his life taken from him just yet.

The boy noticed his pleading gaze and he almost felt bad for him. Until he remembered why they were here in the first place. "Poor thing, begging with your eyes because you can't talk. It's so much quieter though, don't you think?" He wiped some of the blood off of his face, some of it smearing while some came off onto his hand.

"Oh, would you look at the time?" He stared out the window, seeing a faint pink light visible on the horizon. "I'm sorry to cut this short, sweetheart, but it's almost class time." He kneeled back down, taking the last bit of pleading he was going to receive before plunging the knife into Dohyun's chest.

The boy's breath hitched, his mouth falling open causing the blood inside to poor out. The psycho seen the life slowly fading from his eyes. It was satisfactory, pleasurable even. He enjoyed watching him struggle, watching the pleading look fade along with the last little bit of life he was clinging to.

Dohyun's eyes fell closed, his breathing coming to a halt. The boy stood up straight after removing the knife from his chest. He looked down at his masterpiece, smiling at the sight of the large amount of blood pooling onto the tile floor. He leaned down, leaving a soft kiss on the victim's forehead.

"Goodnight forever, Dohyunnie."

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