11. Another One

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Two weeks after the first murder, another body appeared in the exact same classroom they had found Dohyun in. The sight wasn't nearly as gruesome as the first, but it was definitely a sight to see.

The murderer took a different approach with this victim. Her tongue was still in her mouth, but every single one of her finger nails had been ripped off. Instead of a stab wound in her chest, she had one in the side of her neck. When she was found she was pale, almost as if someone drained the blood from her entirely.

Okay, maybe it was just as graphic.

The cops immediately went back to their main suspects, but it seemed not a single one of them had a connection with this victim. This wasn't like the last murder, this one didn't happen for a reason.

This one happened just for fun.

The victim, identified as Kang Minyoung, died just for the sake of the killers pleasure. This murder was majorly fucked up in his head.

The seven wonders grew distant from each other, but some stayed closer than others. Jay and Heeseung had made amends after Jay blabbing Heeseung's secret and had spent a lot of time together. Jay felt bad for accusing him in the first place and had tried making it up to him in any way he could.

Sunghoon and Jake were attached at the hip, more than usual. Sunghoon was terrified and Jake was there to help him through his nightmares and any anxiety attack he faced, random or not.

Sunoo was stuck between Niki and Jungwon, helping his best friend and his long time crush get through everything they needed to. The boys were struggling with everything and it was only getting harder after the second murder.

Jungwon felt the most neglected of everyone. It seemed like their friend group split into pairs and left him behind. Through his own childhood best friends death he was being left alone. Through being accused of being the killer he was being left alone. Everyone had someone but him.

Sunoo would pop in once in a while, checking in to make sure he's eaten and taking care of himself, but he still felt alone. It wasn't fair at all. He thought he had Jay until he started clinging to Heeseung after apologizing.

He was sat alone in the music room window, staring down at the campus below him. Since the whole investigation, he felt like his life had been stripped from him. It didn't feel fair. Tears formed in his eyes as he pressed his forehead again the cold glass.

"Why am I the only one being abandoned?" He whispered to himself, his lip trembling as the tears fell from his eyes. It was smart to not trust anyone, but he still wanted someone to be there and believe he wouldn't do it like they did with everyone else.

It wasn't fair.

The sound of knocking came from the door, causing him to quickly wipe his tears and put on a straight face. He didn't want anyone else to see how vulnerable he was right now.

"Come in."

The door opened slowly, Jungwon seeing Heeseung on the other side. Since the whole knife thing and Jay choosing to hang out with Heeseung instead of him, he wasn't too fond of the older boy. But in all honesty, he would take any comfort he could get.

"What are you doing here, hyung?" His eyes fell back down to the campus below him, watching as students roamed freely due to classes being cut once again. Heeseung swallowed his saliva, closing the door behind him.

"I haven't really seen you around so I just wanted to check in. It seems like everyone has someone next to them but you, so I was hoping I could be that person. Even if just for a little bit." His tone showed a bit of hope. Jungwon slowly turned to face him, a not so nice look plastered on his face.

No matter how bad he wanted someone to be there for him, he didn't want it to be Heeseung.

"Are you looking down on me, Lee Heeseung?"

Heeseung looked at him in disbelief, his soft tone turning cold as he spoke again. "What is your problem? I'm here to help you, not pity you." He was no doubt pissed off, having his intentions questioned for what seemed to be the millionth time in the span of two weeks.

Jungwon stood from the windowsill, slowly making his way over to the older. Though Heeseung was taller, Jungwon was a lot scarier when he was angry.

"I don't need someone who's the main suspect of this murder on my side, Lee."

At that Heeseung scoffed, biting the inside of his cheek. He was tired of everyone saying that, tired of being accused of something he clearly didn't do. "You still don't believe that I didn't do it? What proof do you even have against me, huh?"

"The knives are all I need to have against you! What fucking sicko keeps knives in their dorm when they don't even have any use for them? Well, not until you used them to kill Lee Dohyun and Kang Minyoung." He said it as if it were a definite fact, as if he knew that Heeseung did it.

Heeseung's bit tongue.

"What about you Yang Jungwon? What's your alibi, hm?" He asked, ready to put the younger on the spot the same way he had been. He was tired of everyone blaming him, tired of being the only person people actually suspected. It wasn't fair, not to him.

"I have a reason for my knives, Jay made that clear to everyone. Sunghoon wasn't in his dorm because he was skating, Jake doesn't have access to sharp objects, and Niki's story was made out to be true when I check the CCTV footage. All of us have a back up to the reason we were accused, what do you have?"

Jungwon knew exactly how Heeseung felt now. Being accused without an alibi sucked, especially when he was being accused simply due to the fact that he knew him better than anyone else. All he had was his word, all he had was the sentence 'I didn't do it'. They all had solid alibis, he had nothing.

Is this how Heeseung felt? Left in a corner with no one there to believe you?

"It hurts to know that you think so little of me, Jungwon-ah. I don't think any of us did it, hell I think we were framed. But you," he smiled sadly, disappointed in his friend for what this investigation has turned him into. "You would rather blame your own friends than consider the possibility that it may not be any of us."

His statement left the younger speechless, left to reminisce in his own brain. This entire time he had been worried about which one of them actually did it, not even considering the fact it could be none of them. He felt horrible, he now knows the reason no one was comforting him. It's because he spent so long accusing everyone, because he turned into an asshole trying to clear his own name.

"I didn't ever think its you Jungwon." He turned on his heel and made his way towards the door, his hand on the knob. "And I still don't, but I can't forgive you for how hard you're accusing everyone else. We get that you were closer to him than us, but that's no excuse."

He opened the door, speaking once more before shutting it.

"I'm here if you need me."

Jungwon broke down as soon as the door closed, hating himself for the entire situation. It was his fault he didn't have anyone on his side. It was his fault it felt like the world was against him. He turned his back on his friends so they did the same in return. He wanted to believe it wasn't one of them but he couldn't, all because of the same words Niki spoke when he told his own story.

They all secrets they would kill to keep secret, ones Dohyun let slip out whether on purpose or not.

No one would kill for secrets that weren't their own.

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