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Prologue-The beginning of humanity, a shadowy jungle

All the animals stare at the Great Goddess Aella, the goddess of creation, who all alone in the world, created the Earth, and creatures to inhabit it. The goddess has recently made a creature with the brainpower to make choices, no matter how harmful, and have free will, not following the laws of instinct.

"The humans are out of control!" The mighty tiger roars.

"They will destroy the world with their needless slaughter, endless burning, and constant conquest!" The owl cries.

The goddess stares at her creations, saddened by the acts of humanity, when she has given them an amazing gift.

"You brought them into this life! You can take them right out!" The hyena crows.

The other animals murmur they're assent, but the goddess is firmly against the idea.

"I will not take my gift of life back! Humanity is not lost yet! Many humans are pure, and shine with inner beauty, but there are a few that are poison, they can only destroy what is beautiful! We need great protectors to exterminate these pests! To rid the world of these horrid monsters, and allow the other humans to live peacefully!" The goddess cries, studying the creatures.

Finally, it seems she has come to some decision, but no one can guess what it might be.

"King of Wolves! King of Deer! King of Dolphins! King of Ravens! King of Foxes! King of Eagles! King of Lions! King of Mice! King of Porcupines! King of Rabbits! Come forth and kneel before me!" The goddess calls.

The requested animals come forwards, scared, but brave enough to stand before the goddess in her anger. They kneel before her and she smiles.

"Rise, my kings, for I am about to give you an extraordinary gift." The goddess tells them, and they are shocked, for she has already given them the gift of life, what other gift could there be?

They want to argue, and tell her they need no such gift, for they are content with their lives, but she is a goddess and they are no one to challenge a goddess's thinking.

"You shall become humankind's guardians. You will protect them from the worst danger, themselves. You must kill the bad humans poisoning the world, and appoint new leaders. The wolf represents loyalty. The deer represents kindness. The dolphin represents friendship. The raven represents wisdom. The fox represents cunning and quick thinking. The eagle represents pride and teaching. The lion represents leadership. The mouse represents courage and perseverance. The porcupine represents faith. The rabbit represents protection of women and children. Those are all the qualities the humans should have, but they don't. You need to restore these things." The goddess tells them, and they are in awe.

"But my lady, how are we to achieve this with our simple forms?" The Raven King asks.

"I will give you human bodies, but you will still have your animal spirit, drive, and purity." The goddess answers and they bow before her.

She calls down from the heavens 10 lightning blasts, which strike each of the Kings. When the smoke has cleared, instead of the greatest, noblest of the animal Kings, there are 10 human males, standing strong and proud. They kneel to the goddess.

"Thank you Great Goddess Aella for your gift." The Lion King says.

She nods in appreciation and smiles, "One more thing."

The Kings lean in, happy to hear what their great goddess has to say.

"You will need partners, for love and joy. But your mates must be human. To remind you of who you are protecting, and why you are protecting them. Your mates will show you love and affection, and keep you from reverting back into your true animal forms." The goddess tells them, "But I will not lead you directly to your love. There will be 10 human females. One for each of you. Once you find all ten, you must figure out your true love in 6 months. If you take longer than that you will die, and I will create new guardians, however much it pains me to have to start over. Don't fail me this way." The goddess warns.

"Great Goddess Aella, how will we find these 10 women, and how will we know when we have found them?" The Raven King asks.

"There will be a shining light, follow it to find the women, the light will only appear, however, if you are within 20 miles of them. The correct woman will glow gold, that's how you will know who she is. Once you touch her skin, the glow will disappear, so don't lose her. " The goddess informs them, before smiling at all the animals gathered.

"My children, do me proud and live happy lives!" She tells them, and they cheer as she disappears in a flash of blinding golden light

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