FALLING ALSEEP MAY have been a bad idea. It was uncomfortable. El had a problem with keeping her body still when sharing her own flannel with Sam. The vehicle was rocking back and forth, sometimes dipping entirely too much downward and Sam would knock her head roughly against El's. But, overall, the reason why it had been a bad idea that had Sam tangled in regret land, big time was because of the lack of information about their location.When they started, Sam getting in the car after accidentally hitting one of the men that had held her back in the kneecap with her car door, there had been nothing and no one to differentiate her surroundings to now. Surrounded by endless mountains, sand, and animals that Sam was secretly afraid of. She had noticed, however, that when they started out, they'd at least been on a road.
Now, they were just driving along an unknown path towards somewhere that was supposed to get their powers back so they could save everyone they love and then some.
Owens explained why they'd ditched the road, along with a joke doubling in his words but Sam pretended as though he wasn't even there. She wasn't sure what time it was, but she knew it certainly had to be too early for jokes. Either that or too early to pretend like Owens' jokes were something to laugh at.
After getting out of the car, going inside a somewhat door in the middle of no where, then down stairs that led to a makeshift elevator, Sam wondered if maybe she should've laughed at Owens' joke. Maybe he would joke now and she'd feel better about being led somewhere completely unknown and potentially life threatening.
Owens glanced between the two girls, a sly smirk making its way into his face but since it's him, it's more amused than snarky. "You two didn't think we'd really be working out of a shed, did you?"
As the elevator does it's job, albeit, shakily, Sam glanced at Owens warily. She stands quite far from him, but that changes when the elevator stopped. They weren't greeted with anyone besides two guards posted by the elevator. They nodded their heads toward Owens in a polite gesture, and Sam tried not to stare.
They were in a tunnel, filing out on two sides and straight ahead towards a middle section. There was a mat on the floor, thin and then stretched out with a yellow line in the middle of it. On the curved sides were poles that followed along each other to boxes. They were rusted, as well as the other ones that were above them. Two large poles grew from the floors and pointed towards the middle section.
The air was cold, causing Sam to plant herself closer to El. Her body heat radiated from her sleeved arm and Sam was thankful for it. The ground was steady, flat and smooth. Her converse didn't have any objections with it as she hadn't tripped. Yet.
The fluorescent light peering down on them reminded Sam of the lights at school; when the days were cloudy or stormy enough to cast a dark shadows over Lenora. It was rare, but Sam remembered the lights beading down on her in the hallway. The light bounced off the desks, glaring at her from every reflection. Even when her eyes closed, she could hear the hum of the lights.
Sam shivered, and El locked her arm around Sam. She didn't say anything, but Sam made sure to come clean about taking her favorite pair of polka dotted purple socks later.
"You built all this?" El inquired, looking at Owens. Her voice nothing higher of a whisper. Sam didn't blame her, the sound of the elevator closing echoed throughout the entire structure.
Owens tiled his head in thought. "Well, more gave it a face lift. Do you know what an ICBM is?" Sam gave him a blank expression that he chuckled at. "It stands for intercontinental ballistic missile. It's a. . . It's a fancy bomb."