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Juliette's P.O.V.

"You're early." Petrit surveyed me up and down as I entered through the pivot doors on the front landing of the office.

"It's apparently a thing now." I huffed angrily, checking in at the reception. He still looked on incredulously as I gathered my belongings.

"Jesus, would you stop looking at me like that?"

Removed from his trance now, his features softened. "Woah, lady!" He held his hands up in a submission stance. "Why so touchy?"

I ran my hand across my hair in exasperation as I searched for words of apology within myself. "I'm... Sorry about that. A little stressed about work, you know? It's still early days and things here are.. Different from English broadcast here, to say the least." I sighed.

"Hey..." Petrit put a comforting hand on my shoulder. "I feel you, buddy. First few months in Spain were a hellhole for me." He smiled. Petrit was a pretty boy. Years younger to me, and reminiscent of my younger cousins, so I could only view him that way - a generation apart. Not spectacularly handsome but slightly freckled, with curly hair and a nice smile, vaguely an Eddie Redmayne-ish vibe. If that makes any sense.

I smiled back at him. Or tried to at least.

Precisely around the time my mind decided to remind me of my morning assignment.



As the colors on my face rapidly changed hues, Petrit looked at me perplexed, a glass of water in hand, all set for sudden upheaval of news.

"Jules...." He tenderly began, looking at me conspicuously. "JULES!" Upon eliciting no response from my end, he notched up his tone by a bit.

I snapped out of my daze but I'm guessing I still continued to look on absurdly, judging from his response. He began tenderly yet again.

"You... Sure you're not having a panic attack?" I glared at him, and he raised his arms over his head. "Hey, precautions! It's pretty on-hands over here you know, man's gotta stay alert!" He lowered hi voice to a whisper when I said nothing again. "Juliette... Are you... er... PMSing?"

"Oh my God, young man, know when to shut your trap!" I glared at him, completely alarmed. Calming down a little, I checked my watch. 11 AM.

I continued, now calm. "Where are you stationed for the day? Or are you editing?"

"Oh my God, you're not going to threaten to shoot me in my sleep?" He smiled ruefully. "Well, editing today, mostly. But, there is a shift today at the Ciudad at noon or something... Shooting the training," He nonchalantly raised his arm to look at his watch. And of course his face turned ashen.

"Which it kind of... Okay, HOLY SHIT."

I couldn't help but smirk a little at his expression, and he look up at me as if to signal that he had taken offence.

"What?" I laughed, and mock-lowered my own tone. "You sure you're not... PMSing, Jankovic?"

"Oh shut up." A look of annoyance flashed by his face for a moment, until it turned into a conspicuous look that screamed "GOTCHA!"

"You, miss. Aren't you supposed to accompany me for the report?" He raised his brow laughingly.

"Yes," I giggled. "And would be obliged to accompany you to get our termination letters once we fail to do that, which in all likelihood we would, if we stay put any longer." I rolled my eyes as I picked up my tote, and sashayed outside the office.


I could cross my heart and hope to die that moment, that my jaw was touching the ground and my eyes were agape as I looked around the area. Plush benches surrounded the training field, and the assistance staff was rechecking the pitch conditions, as a few players took final rounds of the medical arena and few emanated from the changing rooms onto the ground. A few physios were chatting with the head manager (Yes. Yes. THE Carlo Ancelotti. I KNOWWW. Okay? NO! Not okay! Absolutely fucking not.)

So this was it, I guess.

I flopped down on the bleachers and let out an exaggerated sigh. "This is just... Wow. Okay? This place is magical, man. This is a... Training ground?"

Petrit had a good laugh at my state until he saw my expression. "Oh God." He rolled his eyes. "Yes it is. Gorgeous. Been here a few times but can't get over it yet." He smiled as he once over-ed the scene in front of us. He turned to me. "But why are you so surprised? I thought you were at... Sky, or something in the U.K.? You must have been to shitloads of places."

"BBC." I correct him. "And, seguro. I have, indeed. Everywhere, in fact. OT, Anfield, Stamford Bridge, Emirates... Highbury back when it existed... St. James', WEMBLEY even." i paused for effect. "But those are stadiums, and I shit you not, even half the stadiums there aren't half as good as.." I spread my hands in a gesture. "This."

"And it's a training ground." He observes, nodding his head.

"And it's a training ground." I repeat. "They actually have... Suites?" I ask in disbelief.

"Yep." He nodded. "And I swear they're as good as the ones at Unica and all." He sighs. "Well, I should get to work."

"Yeah, sorry for keeping you busy." I nod. It was about time I got started on my own work as well.

I had done plenty of training reports to last me a lifetime across channel networks in England, the USA, Belgium and pretty much wherever I had been. So, the template didn't worry me. What worried me was that there was something on my mind, so deeply engrained that it refused to focus.

My eyes scanned the entirety of the gorgeous metallic arena as I searched for the familiar gold-hued hair and piercing blue eyes.

And there they were. Resplendent with the brightest smile I had seen all day, being showered on me. Oh, and there was that conventional thumbs up geture too.

Gosh, that shade of blue is literally piercing.


So... hey guys, here I am!

No I'm not dead, hand on heart, hehe.

I am literally the most sorry person for this extremely late update, and I know it's crazy and stupid and short and basically with no feels at work, but heyy, man's gotta chill :( And I like the template, ya know, playin' around with Toni and Eden hahh :$ (oh my god, i'm so excited about letting you guys in on what happened, it's so... feelsyyy)

So, I can only promise that the story will be awesome as things go right? Hang in there, there's some fun coming up ;;)

Okay, I know I'm selling too hard now :3

So, adios until the next time, yeah? And also? Keep the votes and comments coming in, buddies! I know it feels like nothing, but trust me, that is like extra motivation to write, ALL THE TIME. We authors love it. It's like the cherry on top of the icing on top of the cake.



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