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I sped back in the room and plopped onto my bed, not a second later I heard the door open and felt the bed shift next to me. "Faith I'm sorry you had to face whoever those girls were, but could I know who they were and why you were so hurt?" Josie said as she placed a hand on my back rubbing it.

I flip over so I'm looking at the ceiling then I shuffle so my head is on Josie's lap. "They were the people I met in New York, I trusted them and one of their friends thought I was working for the enemy, so they all decided to spy on me even them, and they knew who I was that my whole family is dead. But they decided that I was still hiding something. It hurt me, so I left and came here." I take a deep breath in to keep me from tearing up.

"Oh, Faith I'm sorry this happened to you. I mean you're the person that least deserves this." She places a kiss on my forehead and starts to play with my hair.

We stayed in that position for a while until Hope came into the room. "Hey guys sorry to disturb you but Faith there is someone looking for you, he's waiting at reception."

I sighed and got up, I looked at Josie, "can you come with me, I don't think I can face another one without you."

She smiles and nods at me. We both stand up and start walking towards the reception. Before we could turn the corner into the reception I stopped and took a deep breath.

Josie took my hand and we walked into the room together. Once I got sight of who it was, I instantly siphoned Josie and lifted him against the wall. "You have the guts to show up here after all you've done! I mean you're lucky I'm not killing you right now!"

"Faith don't do this, even though I know he deserves this I don't think you would be able to live with yourself if you do kill him" Josie stepped in between me and Tony distracting me from him.

I looked at her and let Tony fall to the floor, gasping for air. "Get out before I change my mind, and I hear one word from you, Josie won't even be able to stop me from killing you!" Tony looked terrified.

After staring at me for a long minute he scrambled out the room, I could see he was still debating if he should stay and say something.

I was still full of rage, and Josie could see that, so she hugged me. Right then Saltzman walked into the reception. "Why was there a random man walking out the building and then flew off in a suit!"

Me and Josie broke apart, I looked straight at him, "he was this guy I met in New York" I looked at Josie's face who looked like she was waiting for me to continue. "I guess he came here to try and get me to return." I looked at Saltzman and saw that he was really mad, "look they already knew about the supernatural's before they came here to try and get me back." This seemed to calm him down.

"Ok but next time please tell me if you are expecting trouble so I can prepare the students and staff, just encase you need help chasing them out." I nodded in response.

Once we left the reception we were met with Hope and Lizzie standing just outside. "Let's go outside so I can explain to you guys what happened for me to come here, if that's ok with you guys?" they stepped aside so I could lead the way.

I walked all the way to a calm lake before starting to explain what has happened. "So basically, the people you have seen today are three of the guys I met in New York, they are known as the avengers –"

"Are we to believe that in the time you have been in New York you met the Avengers and not only met them but know them personally, so much that they come running to get you back when they did something wrong and chased you away?" I laughed at how Lizzie didn't believe me.

"If I had my phone with me Liz, I would be able to show you a bunch of pictures of them, but I think I sent a few to Hope so when she has her phone, she can show some pictures." She smiled showing me that she was just trying to annoy me. "I'm going to get you back for that one." All four of us laughed at that as I wasn't the one to fight people.

"Anyway, the two girls we threw out the grounds were the ones I got closest to" I paused a little not knowing if I wanted to tell the part about Wanda, in the end I decided to tell them, but I knew that I could lose Josie before even having her back. "I even dated one of them for a bit, but when I found out that they were all spying on me, even Wanda, I knew they would never fully trust me or love me, so I left there and then. I decided when I was coming over here that no matter what I would never go back." By the time I had stopped talking we stopped walking and I was looking at the floor.

I felt a hand on my back then arms rapping around me, I didn't know who it was, but I broke down crying and fell on the floor.

After what felt like hours, I pulled away and looked who was holding me, it was Josie, I felt so bad for her, she didn't deserve this. "Don't you dare say 'I'm sorry', you don't deserve this and I'm here for you." She said this before I could even open my mouth to say anything.

I nodded and stood up, "now that that's over do you guys want to go swim?" I pointed to the lake right in front of us. They all laughed but nodded.


sorry for the late update, I had writers block and then I had my IGCSE exams, hope you like it  

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