02 | suprise visitor

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My hand slides over the hem of the doorknob and I look around the corner of the door to see if anyone is inside. To my surprise, it is dead silent in the big shop and there aren't any customers around or the old lady who runs it for that matter.

I don't want to scream hello, because as much as I want to catch up with the old lady, I have other business to do. And that other businesses can not know that I am here.

Walking further into the shop I try to silence my breathing and try to hit the ground with as little sound as possible. It is weird, doing this, spying on my worst enemy who is also the only person who is willing to help me.

I might not be the best at sneaking around, but I think I am doing a good job so far. And  I continue to think that until I hear footsteps behind me. And not only footsteps but a very familiar voice as well.

Shit, shit, shit.

My slender fingers find their way to the hem of my bag and cling to it. I stand rigidly still in my place and slowly move my head to the right.

The bag hanging from my left hip opens as I slide my fingers in and clamp them around the cold metal. To my surprise, no one is there as soon as I step into the huge hall. With my hand clutching the knife in my bag, I take a few steps forward.

My eyes scan the shop, looking for an entrance to a staircase that will lead to the roof. At least that gives me time to come up with a plan before I run away.

But as soon as I hear the sound of footsteps approaching me, my breath catches in my throat. Hastily, I push myself against the wall as far as I can, into the closest shadow I can find. I take the knife out of my bag and hold it right in front of me, ready to attack when the need arises.

But what happens next is one of the last scenarios spinning around in my head. Arms wrap around my waist and pull me further into the shadows with full force. My breath catches in my throat as I'm pressed against a warm chest.

I'm about to scream all the air out of my lungs when suddenly a hand is placed on my mouth that shuts me up.

"Don't make a sound, princess. We want to get rid of them, not have them on our heels."

The deep male voice cuts through me like a knife, ironically considering I'm the one holding a knife and not him, as I try to turn in his arms to see who just spoke to me.

You have got to be kidding me.

My heart is beating in my throat as I suppress a scream. I quickly run my eyes over his figure and take a deep breath as I realize who I'm standing in front of now.

I'm face to face with Pardoes. Or as I used to call him Lucas. I have always hated to fake names as much as he does. Or did. I don't know, I haven't seen him in such a long time that it feels like I don't know him anymore.

"Kiara Domerano, who would have thought?" he mutters in disbelief as if he can't believe I'm standing in front of him. The feelings are mutual, friend. He shakes his head slightly up and down and a crooked grin appears on his face. I look back angrily and try not to make his ego bigger than it already is.

"You know... I'm happy to share this moment with you, but you don't have to push yourself again, princess," he mutters into my ear. His warm breath strokes my neck and a shiver runs through me.

Only then do I realize that I have pressed against him out of fear. I take a step back uncomfortably. His words get stuck in my head. Lucas raises his eyebrows in surprise and waits to wonder what I'm doing.

Cautiously I bend over to him and put my lips to his ear. I push the knife I still have in my hand against his throat and put a little pressure on it. "Call me princess one more time and you can only hope you stay out of this shadow," I replied irritably. I can just sense that he has a big grin on his face and as soon as I look at him it just confirms my point.

He opens his mouth to say something, but I put my index finger to my lips to tell him to shut up. A relieved sigh escapes my lips as he remains silent. Lucas, or Pardoes, or whatever raises his eyebrows for the second time, and I can't help but give my eyes a chance to check his face. If this idiot hadn't been arrested, he'd still be on top.

The woman literally fell at his feet, before I was sent to zombor. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if they still did. Lucas is someone who makes your heart skip a beat just by looking at you. He blows away the tousled tuft of hair in front of his eyes. His brown hair is all over the place, but that's how it makes him prettier than ever. From his sharp jawline to his cheekbones, to his ice-blue eyes. This man certainly has his charms.

Stay focused, Kie.

I look away from him and peer through the layers of shadow into the shop. The footsteps sound very close now. Too close.
Behind me, Lucas flexes and straightens his back. His fingers find mine and he pulls the knife from my hand and then pulls me behind him. In contrast to just his playful attitude has disappeared and has given way to a tense attitude.

"Stay behind me and run when I say so," he whispers.

He can't seriously expect me to let him help me, can he? But on the other hand, I don't have many other options. He knows my name, and if he's a spy for anyone that I don't want him to be a spy for then I won't let him out of my sight for a second.

Lucas may be willing to help me, but trusting him would be the dumbest mistake I could ever make, and one I certainly don't intend to make.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2022 ⏰

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pardoes and the court princess English version Where stories live. Discover now