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Willow decided to avoid the guys of the band, Arin especially since they their release party. She didn't want to face him because of what happened between them. The only one she had told was Lacey but she didn't know if Lacey had told the other guys. She hoped she hadn't because that would have been embarrassing.

As she was hanging out she got a small package which contained a ticket and a backstage pass to a show of theirs and she didn't know if she should go. She didn't even know who sent them to her because with them there was a note that only stated.

Here's tickets and a backstage pass to come to our show. I'd love to see you there. XO

Whoever it was from didn't write it out themselves but it was typed out using a computer. The concert was still a week away so she had time to decide if she actually wanted to go.

She made up her mind finally, on the day of the concert, to go. She didn't want the tickets to go to waste and she missed seeing everyone on a daily basis like she used to. She decided to wear her favorite red boots, a pair of black jeans, a red tank top, with her skeleton cropped hoodie that she got from Vengeance University over it. At first she wasn't sure if she wanted her brown hair up or down but ended up putting it up in a messy bun.

She thought about standing off to the side of the stage but decided to stand in the front row like a normal fan because to her she wasn't any more special then the rest of the fans.

A couple songs into the concert is when Johnny noticed her so he smiled at her and mouthed 'Hi' to which she waved back with a smile. When Matt was close to him Johnny pointed me out to him to which Matt smiled and waved at her. Of course she smiled and waved back.

She noticed the fans next to her look at her, and she could tell they looked a little jealous that she was the one that got noticed and waved at but she chose to ignore their glares with a smirk as she kept her focus on the guys.

All of a sudden Matt nudged Zacky and then motioned towards Willow with his head. She then seen him grin at her, the first smile he did the whole concert. She blushed and smiled back at him. As soon as he got a chance he walked over and stood in front of her as he played his guitar.

"You came." He mouthed to her.

She couldn't help but smile up at him as she nodded, it was then that she realized he was the one that sent the tickets and note to her just by his reaction to her being there.

"Wait, I know who you are now." Some guy said into her ear when Zacky walked back over to Syn.

"And who do you think I am?" She said back.

They had to talk loudly with their mouths close to each others ears for them to hear each other.

"I don't remember your name exactly. But you look familiar, aren't your the Rev's sister?"

She looked into his eyes and nodded then said "Yes, and my name's Willow."

"That's fucking amazing! Damn you're beautiful." He said which caused her to blush.

"Thank you." She looked at him then back at the stage as Matt spoke.

"At every show, we like to slow things down a bit. Around 4 years ago we lost our best friend. He may be gone but he's not forgotten. He'll foREVer be in our hearts. He was one of the best friends any person can have, he was more than just a friend, he was our brother from another mother. I want everyone to sing with us loud to show Jimmy just how much he was loved by everyone here. But before we start though, there's a very special person in the crowd that we'd love to have come up here and join us." Matt walked and stood in front of Willow and waved her up.

Her eyes got wide as she blushed and shook her head. "Nooo."

"Awe come on, come sing with us. Please?" He gave her his best puppy dog face.

She smirked as she couldn't resist his facial expression, as she walked up the crowd cheered.

"This lady here is the one and only Willow. She was Jimmy's little sister." Matt told the crowd as she the band started playing fiction. "I don't know if anyone knows this, but the female voices you've ever heard on our albums, was this girl right here."

Willow blinked back tears hearing what song they were playing because she was with Jimmy when he wrote it.

Matt put his arm around her shoulders as they began singing the song together. She had to close her eyes to keep from freezing up from seeing just how many people was out in the crowd. She smiled as she laid her head against him.

She tried her hardest to keep the tears from not falling but halfway through the song is when she lost the fight and tears rolled down her cheeks. Her voice cracked a few times so Matt rubbed his hand softly up and down her upper arm to comfort her.

After Fiction, they decided to play 'So Far Away' and she decided to stay up there for that song too. Once the songs was over he wrapped her up in a hug.

"I'm sorry." He whispered in her ear.

"Don't be." She whispered back then wiped her cheeks and chuckled as she said "Thank God I decided to wear waterproof mascara."

As she started to walk off stage, Zacky came over to her to give her a hug. She started to but stopped and walked away because of him being with Gena. And she didn't want her to get the wrong idea if she seen them big. Zacky furrowed his eyebrows together as he watched her walk away but shook his head and they continued the show.

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