Wake Up Call

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Over the next week, Owen continued to stay with his grandparents. And Zacky decided to continue to drink. He also took the opportunity to do something he really didn't want to do but knew it needed to be done, pack up Willow's belongings like her clothes. He figured the best thing to do was gonna be to donate them. He also figured that's why Owen didn't want to be there, because of the things off hers that was still laying around.

As he got to her more personal stuff is when it started depressing him though. He finally got finished and slumped on the couch as he took a big drink out of the Jack Daniel's bottle.


Brian wanted to go check on Zacky but didn't feel like doing so by himself. So he messaged the guys to see if one or both of them could go along. Matt had plans but Johnny offered since he was available.

"So why didn't you want to go by yourself?" Johnny asked when Brian picked him up.

"Because remember the last time he went through a break up with Gena then went through something with Willow, how bad he was? And that was only when he thought they were through. This is a worse situation than those. I just need some back up that's all."

"Ah Okay, wait do you honestly think he'll be drinking that heavily with Owen around?"

Brian shook his head, "Matt said he's at Mr. and Mrs. Baker's house."

"Oh well that can be a good thing."

They got there and started knocking on the door but wasn't getting no answer. They knew he was in there because some lights were on and they could faintly hear the radio. They repeatedly knocked on the door and called his name out.

"Fuck this shit." Brian grumbled as he pulled out his keys.

"We can't leave already."

"We're not." Brian smirked, "I have a key."

"Wait, you get to have a key to their house?"

Brian looks at Johnny, "Uh yeah, I never gave it back but I've had it from when James still had the place."

"Oh right."

"What are you guys doing?" They heard Gena say behind them.

They turned around and looked at her, "Came to check on Zack. What are you doing here?" Johnny answered.

Gena crossed her arms, "I came to see why my ex won't answer his phone for his son. He wants to see his dad."

"Okay, well that's not a good idea. We know Zack has probably been drinking and he doesn't need to see his dad like that." Brian stated, "Look, we'll go in and talk to him, let him know that Tennessee wants to see him and then we'll let you know when it's okay."

"Fine." Gena groaned, "Have him call me."

"You got it." Brian nodded.

With that Gena left. When they walked into the living room they noticed Zacky laying on the couch and the sight made them sick, it looked like he had puked in his slumber.

"Shit!" Brian yelled as they rushed over, "Careful." He then tried waking him up, "Fuck, man come on, don't do this to us. Call an ambulance quick, his heart is beating fast and he feels cold."

Johnny nods and does so. While he's on the phone Brian tries to clean up the mess as the best as he could.


"Mr. Baker, hey uhm Brian and me went to Zacky's and we found him unresponsive. He's being rushed to the hospital now." Johnny called Zacky's dad.

"Fucking Hell, I'm on my way. I'll see you guys there."

"Hopefully he's going to be okay." Brian gripped the steering wheel tightly as he drove to the hospital, "We can't lose another best friend, we can't. And Owen can't lose another parent."

"Thank God he wasn't there to see that."

"Yeah thank God." Brian nodded, "Poor kid doesn't need to witness that, no kid does."

"Yeah no kidding." Johnny messaged the rest of their close friends to let them know what was going on.


The doctors said he's lucky to be alive, and that Brian and Johnny found him just in time. They had to pump his stomach but he'll be just fine.


"Where am I?" Zacky asked with a groggy voice.

"You're at the hospital, Brian and Johnny found you unresponsive so you got rushed here. Nearly killed yourself from alcohol poisoning. You're lucky they found you when they did Zackary." Matt Baker told him.


"Yeah oh." He scoffed, "What the hell was you thinking son?! You could have died if they hadn't shown up!"

"I just wanted the hurting to stop okay!? I just wanted it all to stop!

"And you think drinking too much helps? And what about Tennessee and Owen? You obviously wasn't thinking about their feelings huh? How do you think Owen would feel if he lost another parent?!"

"Yeah well, Owen doesn't even want to be around me."

"Can you blame him? He told us about you drinking the way you have. That's not good Zackary! He's too young for that shit! He needs his dad! Now more than ever. So you've got to stop this shit before it ends badly! And no one wants that. We don't want to have to bury another family member so you better straighten your shit right here, right now! Man up, quit being selfish and take care of your child, you're not the only one who lost someone they love. We all loved her Zackary. Do you honestly think she would want you to live like this? As the saying goes, she's probably rolling over in her grave seeing you act like this."

"No one knows the pain I'm going through."

"You don't think so? While you were drunk out of your damn mind, who do you think was comforting Owen when he was crying because he misses his mom? Me and Your mother, that's who. And last night, guess who he was asking for? His dad, but you couldn't be bothered to answer your damn phone."

"He was asking for me?"

"Yes he was, so you're getting a day after you get out of here to straighten your shit then you're taking him back. You both need each other more now then ever."

"I'm sorry I'm such a fuck up."

"You're not a fuck up son, you were just mourning the love of your life and made a bad choice is all. I'm not telling you to quit drinking because you're an adult, but for the love of God slow down."

"Owens not here, is he?"

"Of course he's not. The last thing he needs to see, is his dad laid up in the hospital. Granted you're okay but he might think the worst because the last time we were in a hospital was for Willow."

"Good, I don't want him to see me like this."

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