Chapter 2/ Illusions

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(Rushed, not using my special font, tell me if the font is bothering you kk)


We grew closer every encounter we made throughout the time, the humans drank and cheered in joy and excitement celebrating our recent battle with the deviants.

I was sitting next to Makkari, translating what she said to the humans around her, hearing how she scammed people and how she defeated the deviants. I glanced over at Druig throughout the night, as he was surrounded by people.

'Stop glaring so much, your making it quite obvious' a voice said inside your head, it was Druig's you flushed pick as you looked facing your palm fidgeting, You wanted to look at him again, so you pretend to drop something beside you and pick it up, looking a Druig who smirked and got up from his seat and walking out. Your eyes sprinted not knowing if you should follow,

'You just gonna sit there?' The voice said your eyes sprinted up as you got up from your seat, bumping into things, you apologized, leaving Makkari and the humans to question where you were heading. Makkari was starting to sign but you left before she finished, feeling bad.You rushed in a pace as soon as you saw Druig leaning against a tree with his eyes closed as you approached, fixing your curls off your face and patting your tunic as you were walking unfocused. You bumped into Druig.

"You're very clumsy" he said, opening his eyes as you looked up at him, his eyes shining from the moon. You soon realized what he said,

"Gah! I'm sorry" you said in a shy tone looking at your hands as you fidgeted with your fingers, he smirked. 'Dummy me this is so embarrassing' you thought to yourself wanting to dig a hole somewhere and place yourself inside. Your cheeks were a faint tint of red.

Druig turned to you, he placed his fingers on your chin lifting it up, your eyes lid open as your lips parted, he was inches away from you. You glazed at his eyes once more, noticing something different. His features were relaxed, not tensed up, his eyes spoke to you as you brought your hand on his cheek, his eyes triggered a bit but soon stopped as footsteps were heard coming towards. Both you and Druig looked at each other, his face was yet again tensed again. He coughed looking another way as you realized someone was coming. You stepped back, you felt pissed, your brows frowned, as you looked at the dirt beneath your feet. 'The moment was perfect' you mentally screamed in your head. Druig smirked.

"Mia!, Druig!, where are you guys!" Someone yelled it was Sersi,

'What could she want' you thought as you walked over to her she was excited, you left Druig knowing he probably didn't want to be found with you and him together, yet he grabbed your wrist and pulled you back, as he walked forward. You blushed,
'He's holding my wrist, I'm sweating oh lord,..i'm gonna faint..' you said as you bit your lip, the weather was warm making it worse,

Sersi was about to head back, until she stopped and turned around, spotting us as she jogged towards us, Druig probably told her.

"You guys took me forever to find you guys, what were you guys doing?" she said smirking

I dropped my lip and looked as Druig as his expression was plain, yet he was feeling shy deep down. I turned red yet again,

'Embarrassing' you thought wanting to shove your face in ice,

"Sprite is about to start another of her stories about The Eternals this time it's you, Mia!" Sersi said smiling as she winked to Druig.

You soon realized what she just said,

"Wait! Me? What..why,? This is torture.." you said in a jelly tone, still pink from the embarrassment.

You felt Druig feeling...amused? You looked at him.

Sersi walked forward of us, as me and Druig walked side by side, you soon noticed he was holding your wrist tightly, He then slid down reaching for my hand.

I paused as he paused afterwards, with a questioning face.

"Hurry up love birds, you can continue holding hands when we Atleast get there!" She shouted as she entered the town.

"Are you okay?" He said as he looked forward, you looked up and licked your lips,

"Hu?,.. oh! Yeah!" You said surprised you didn't stutter this time, in relief he smirked as he walked forward pulling you, as you walked his pace. He was happy, You smiled.

Entering the town I felt waves of excitement and joy, Makkari looked at us cheerfully, glancing down as she noticed the holding hands, her face dropped looking somewhere else. .....Jealousy.

I frowned, swallowing hard, I could see In the corner of my eyes Druig was shooting me stares.

Druig let go of my hand as we walked into the room everyone was in. He stood against the wall near a bench. I looked around to find a place to sit as Sersi took her place, sitting beside Ikaris. Thena with Gilgamesh, Kingo sitting between Gilgamesh and Makkari, Makkari was giving me stares,she felt sad and jealous. I shrugged it off focusing on another feeling, Phastos nowhere to be seen, Ajak probably at the Domo.

'The bench' the voice said, I looked at Druig as he referred to the bench next to him, I smiled as I walked past people, when I sat down.

I looked at him once again his eyes focused on Sprite casting her illusions of me, she explained to the community of people in the room,

Illusions of me,

"Her brown hair shines from the sun she was formed from."
A small figure of me with my hair shining as the sun bleams at me, forming.

"Her laugh is carved from the goddess of beauty herself!"
The Little me laughed as my dimples showed. My smile is wide. I looked at Druig I saw him smile. He looked relaxed.

"Flowers grow as she gently touches them with the tips of her fingers!"  
I was shown kneeling, expanding flowers, as they were shown crushed.

"She herself crys red wine, from the wounds she heals." Sprite said lying about that part.
I laughed a bit as I also heard other Eternals laughing.

"Her cheeks turn like a rose from her tint, as she opens one's eye." I was confused.
It showed me standing as there was another standing behind me, he was tall, his face wasn't shown. I glanced at Sersi, as she smiled at me.

"Her heart belongs to one, whose name should be said as him, they are inseparable as their love grows as their hearts depend on one another, and as their souls unite, may they last forever!"
Little me and another were holding hands and laughing, we were close with fireworks behind us, yet again his face was blurred. I felt an emotion of jealousy, I looked at the person, other to be Makkari. And the other to be...

"A red thread from Ariadne's wool leads her to him, as he himself is scared to love, as she opens his heart, she carves her name on his palm."
I dropped feeling Druig emotion, he was jealous until, Sprite winked at Druig, his eyes widened. I put the piece was Druig as the other, I flushed into a bright rose yet again. As he chuckled looking at me.

'Scared to love?' I said in my thoughts, rephrasing Sprite words. Not knowing if it was for the story to be dramatic or not...
Druig looked at me his eyes were gentle he moved from the wall sitting next to me,
"You do know, I can read your mind." He said facing forward as Sprite faked my birth story. I turned away looking embarrassed, my nose was red.
"Then why read my mind?" I said shrugging, looking at him,
"You think out loud a lot , also it's hard to ignore your thoughts." He said as he turned to you.
I chuckle nervously, "Well then ignore me, 'mr. scared to love'." I said playfully as I looked for an emotion.
"Stop reading my feelings, and I'll stop reading your thoughts." Druig said looking at me with soft blue eyes. I shook my head, "no" I said quietly, melting in my seat, of embarrassment,
"And may I ask, why love?" He said as he placed his head on my shoulder, I'll tell you I was red as my whole body up and down was burning in shade pink and my cheeks were red. My body sweated, I looked at him, I calmed down as soon as I looked at his facial expression, he was smirking, probably doing this on purpose. I noticed his close features, his hair was fluffy and smooth, smelled like coconut and grass, not dirty grass but refreshing. His eyes closed,
You took it a step further and leaned your head on his head, you were falling asleep the last thing seeing was Sersi and Kingo, fangirling. And Sprite telling more stories, as she smiled at you.
Till next time ;)
/Words 1536/

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