Chapter 3/Shades

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You and Sersi were heading to town to teach the children, Sersi was beside you. Sersi walked and rambled about Ikaris and others before she got off topic and asked about last night. I turned red, hiding my face behind my curls, "Didn't we say we won't talk about that...'' you said in a low tone facing the ground as Sersi gazed at you chuckling, "Oh, come on Mae'' she said in a desperate voice bumping into you playfully as you waved at the people. Your cheeks felt warm, looking at the ground you noticed something strange. The ground was getting dry as you walked looking behind you, the trail of where you walked had the dirt dry. Your brows frowned thinking getting lost in thoughts before Sersi, waved her hand in front of your face, you snapped out of your thoughts, "huh? Gah! Sorry Sersi!" You said as she chuckled before stopping, her face was cold her eyes were focused on your hands, your brows questions as you looked at her, trying to read her emotions before realizing you couldn't, she couldn't feel any emotions, she could feel the village stare at her, Sersi broke out of her glaze looking at you her brown eyes wide,

"Mae-...your, um- hands..." Sersi said as she stood in front of Me covering me from others. I looked down in confusion, only for my eyes to open. My body went pale, I dropped my bag, my eyes terrified as I reached for my fingers, the tips of my fingers were black, I tried to rub them, thoughts ran through my head 'Maybe it's mud ? No dummy mud can't be this's not smudging...I'm scared-..' thoughts ran through my head feeling my throat become dry and my eyes staring to water. I fell on my knees, the last thing I heard was Sersi yelling putting my head on her knees and wrapping her arms around me, and a figure running towards me, he dropped towards me grabbing my head and smothering me.


Rushed ik it's short smh I'm working on other stores rn srryy😭

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2022 ⏰

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