Chapter 9 Life

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The next day

Izuku: ughh what happened? *he looks to his right to see Korone naked* did we do it last night

He recalled yesterday night

Korone: ahhh~ faster~faster Izuku

Izuku: Korone I'm going to

Korone: Inside~

Izuku: *shoots Inside*

Korone: Ahhhhhh~


Izuku: *blushing* I guess we did it Last night. How the hell does Korone have that much stamina, I mean we did it for 6 hours last night

Korone: hmmmm~ Good morning Izuku

Izuku: good morning, sorry about last night Korone

Korone: it's fine. I was in heat after all

Izuku: I guess your right. Let's go get ready we smell

Korone: I would love to do it on my own but, my legs won't move

Izuku: oh, sorry about that

Korone: it's fine I asked for it anyway, so *holds out her arms* carry me

Izuku: fine *giggles* here let me help carry you

Korone: yay!

Izuku carried Korone to the shower and helped her take a shower, Korone kissed him as a reward. When they're done

In the Lobby

Korone: hey girls *getting carried by Izuku*

Sora: hey Korone- why are you getting carried by Izuku?

Korone: no comment *smiles*

Izuku: you girls didn't hear us last night?

Flare: no, why?

Izuku: 'is that why our room looks different than the others' no reason

Flare: hmmm *suspecting something*

Izuku: come on, let's go have fun on the island, I believed there's a carnival close by, let's go there.

Hololive: alright!

When they got there

Izuku: having fun Korone?

Korone: yep

Izuku: how about you girls?

Fubuki: same here

Mio: same

Okayu: same~ by the way Izuku

Izuku: hmm?

Mio: we kinda heard what you two did yesterday *blushing*

Izuku: w-what do you mean? *blushes*

Fubuki: Well....

Last night

Okayu: you two still awake?

Mio: yep

Fubuki: can't sleep *drinking water*

All of their ears twitches

Mio: wait is that

Korone: ahhhh~

All of them blushes

Okayu: Well I'm kinda jealous

The two: same

Mio: well I'm going to try to go to sleep now, goodnight

Fubuki and Okayu: goodnight

Mio leaves

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