Chapter 1

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"Leifan, Lynlee, introduce yourself to your new little sister."

"H-hello... My name is Catel..."

My name is Lynlee Frithswith, five years old.

Today is the first time I'm meeting with the heroine of this novel that I've been reincarnated in.

"Nice to meet you, Catel." Leifan and I said at the same time while bowing to her.

"We're glad to have you in the family." Leifan said as he flashes his iconic charming smile towards the girl. Meanwhile, I just nodded and smiled.

A few weeks passed and I noticed a few things about the heroine.

She's nothing like the novel's heroine.

First of all, the heroine is supposed to be this... overly caring towards the house so she's always helping around the mansion. But Catel did nothing as such, she prefers to read a book in the library all day.

The heroine also likes to go outside just to take a walk around the garden, but Catel prefer to just stay inside her room.

What's more...

She looks... Familiar..?????

"Say... Catel?"

"Yes, Lynlee?"

"Are you... Yuka...?"







This girl... Catel...

She's the incarnation of Yuka, my dearest friend who died beside me in my previous life.

"Wait seriously? You're Miko???"

"Y e s. I knew it was you, Yuka! You still have that habits of yours even after being reborn."

"What? What habit?"

"That weird fiddling you do to those poor book corners!"

"Hey! It's not weird okay!"

"What are you guys talking about?" The door of the library creaks open. "Haha, I can hear you guys talking loud enough to be heard in the hallway just now. You guys know that, you should keep quite while you're in the library right?" Leifan, my twin brother chimes into the conversation.

'Let's continue this conversation later.' I telepathically send Catel my message.

"Oh it's nothing, Lei." I smiled at him. "I was just teasing Catel about her ideal type."

"Wha--?! Lynlee?!"

"Haha, I see that you two are getting along well as always." The dark blue haired boy chuckled. "So? What's her ideal type?"

"Not you too, brother Leifan!"

"Oh you know, it's someone like the new knig--"


• • •

"So now that we know about each other's identity... What are we supposed to do?"

"Not finishing the story the way it was supposed to finish." I picked up a paper with me and start to scribble on it. "We're now in a novel world that I used to read in my spare time."

"Um... Then why don't we just follow the story?"

"Cat, you want me dead or what?" I deadpanned at her. "We're already dead in our world. There's no need to follow the story, since we don't have a place to return anyways. We should live the way we want."

"What's wrong with the original story?" Catel said, still confused

"I'm going to be dead."


"Yeah, that's why."

"Um... So what's the plan..?"

"There's none."


"Don't worry about it, you don't have to do anything. The one who needs to do things is me." I smiled at her. "Just do your best at being you, Yuka."

"... I still don't get it... But I'll trust you."

I nodded in satisfaction at her.

Yes, Yuka doesn't need to do anything. I'm the one who should do all the things to protect him from that yandere prince.

• • •

"Catel, Lynlee, meet Huran." Father smiled at us as he introduced a boy around our age with black hair tied into a ponytail and half of his face covered by his front hair.

He must be one of the slaves that our knights had rescued lately. He had a pretty face and that glowing yellow eyes after all. It's no surprise that someone would want to sold him off.

The boy slightly bowed as he doesn't know a thing about etiquette and proper manners. I guess that was the most polite he can currently be.

"Starting from today, Huran here is going to be Catel's personal butler." Father continued as he pushed the boy slightly to us.

We exchange glances to each others before turning back to the boy and smiled, "Nice to meet you, Huran."

"Please take care of Catel."

"Why are you saying it like I'm the one who usually gots in a lot of trouble? You're the one who always makes a mess."

"Because I would pull you into that mess that's why~"


The boy just stared at us before bowing again, "Please take care of me too... my ladies." And we smiled at him once more.

So this is that Huran huh...

Huran is a former slave that was rescued and taken under the Frithswith's wings. He may looked like an ordinary boy, but he was trained to become an assassin.

So he's pretty much really dangerous.

Despite all of that, in the novel he was the only one who was loyal to the Frithswith until his last breath. Rumours said that it's because he's in love with the lady he served, so he wants to protect her at all costs.

Sigh... If only even one of the love interest is a gentleman as Huran who ironically was a former slaves.

"Huran, you can just call us by our names when we're in a private room." I said to the yellow eyed boy, "We don't really like formalities. Especially towards those our age."

"Understo— I mean, sure." Huran replied as he slightly relaxed his body posture.

He adapts fast huh? Maybe it's the results from his training? I wonder...

"Um... Mr. Frithswith." Catel hesitantly begins, "Why am I the only one who gets a guard? What about Lynlee?"

Father laughed and patted her tiny head, "It's because Lynlee is aiming to be the heir of this family."


"If I'm aiming to become the heir of Frithswith, I should at least be able to protect myself right?" i chimed in.

"Yes, and besides, Lynlee have Leifan to protect her, since they're siblings and twins at that." Father agreed to my statement.

"Well then, I shall attend to my duties now. Huran, I trust you'll look after my daughters well." With that, father went back to his study room.

"Alright, let's go play outside Huran!"

"Our garden is also beautiful! You should come and see for yourself!"

"Y-yes, my lady-- I mean, Okay!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2022 ⏰

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