The Plane

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"Athena! Get up! We're already late! " Bridgett yells from the bathroom. We weren't actually late, she just does that to get me up quicker.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." I mumble and roll away from her. Suddenly the front door bursts open and Brandon, Derrick, and Lucas walk in.

"Hope y'all are decent!" Brandon plops down on the foot of my bed, and grabs the edge of blanket.

"Wait-" I start to say, but he yanks it anyways, exposing my white tank top and red thong. Brandon's face turns as red as the underwear, and he throws the blanket back onto me, missing and hitting the floor instead since he was looking away. I reach down and grab the blanket, the other two boys dying of laughter while covering their eyes.

"I said wait!" I yell once I cover myself and throw a sweatshirt over the tank.

"I had already yanked the blanket, there was no returning!" His face still red, he lays down on his back while his knees dangle off the bed.

"What are you two yelling about?" Bridgett asks, walking out of the bathroom while applying deodorant. She's in an anime T-shirt and jean shorts. Her pink hair is in a simple bun at the base of her head.

"We came in and Athena was still in bed so Brandon yanked her blanket off of her and she was in her underwear." Derrick snickers while I turn beet red.

Lucas chuckles as Brandon and I bicker. "You three are so childish." He remarks. "You done in there Bridge?" He points to the bathroom.

"Uh... Yea, but it smells like perfume in there so watch out." She blushes as she says this, but Lucas just laughs and walks into the bathroom, the lock clicking behind him.

While I pull shorts on under the blanket, I hear Bridgett talking to Brandon in hushed tones. "How was the view? Did ya like it?" I jerk my head up. She did not just say that...

Brandon laughs, "You act like that's the first time I've seen her without pants on! We've all been friends since like, forever so of course I've walked in on her changing or I do dumb things like that. I don't see her like that, and she doesn't see me that way either, right?" He glances over to me, and I nod firmly even though my heart just broke into thousands of pieces.

"Exactly. No feelings here." I say, finally standing up. "Ok I need to shower and get dressed then we'll be ready. Our plane leaves at ten right? Yea, it's only eight so I have plenty of time to get ready... If I shower for thirty minutes then take fifteen to blow-dry my hair, then another fifteen to do two dutch braids then that gives me around an hour to get everything together and make sure we get to the airport with time to spare." I nod, liking my own plan, and look up. The other three looking at me knowingly. "What?" I ask, grabbing a pair of leggings and an oversized Nirvana T-shirt.

"You were rambling." Lucas says as he walks out of the bathroom, I actually forgot he was even on there. I make a 'oh' type face and they laugh a little bit.

"Sorry about that, well I really need to shower and stuff so we make it on time." I point to the bathroom door and walk in.


By the time we finally get to the airport, I'm already freaking out. I've had a fear of planes since I was little and I have no idea why. Bridgett lets me grip her arm as we get ready to go through security, but they only let one go at a time, so she has to push me a little bit to get me to walk forward.

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