"Minjeong, I'm cold."

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It was now Minjeong's second week living with Jimin, she would say it wasn't that bad. She definitely had more freedom to do whatever she wanted, and that's without a homophobic father who thinks physically and mentally abusing his children will change them.

Minjeong spent most of her days in her room, but there was the occasion she would come out and enjoy her time with Jimin. She came to find out that Jimin is way more of a joker than she thought she was. She would often hit Minjeong's butt, or she would play childish tricks on her just for a reaction.

She honestly found it hard to move on from Jimin like this. Her plan was not going to work if she kept being this close to Jimin. And she didn't think Jimin's jokes were any help for her to move on. How could she shut out her best friend without actually shutting her out?

She remembered one joke she played on Minjeong their fourth day here, she tried to kiss her. Minjeong's soul left her body and she wasn't going to lie, if Jimin weren't so bad at acting she would've leaned in and kissed the older girl in a heart beat.

Part of Minjeong wondered if Jimin would've like that. There was no way she would, she was straight for all she knew. Her straight best friend, who looks at her lovingly. Yeah, straight, she's straight.

"Minjeong-ah." Jimin smiled toward Minjeong who was currently holding a small bag of groceries they had just bought. It was around eight in the evening, and Jimin decided she wanted snacks. She had forced Minjeong out of her room and to walk together to the store that was only a small walk from their apartment.

"Yes Jimin?" Minjeong asked while tilting her head to look at the taller girl. It was a little chilly out since it was inching toward winter, and she could see Jimin visibly shaking. She must be really cold. She told the girl to bring her jacket, but of course she had to be stubborn.

"I am really cold." Jimin whined holding the other bag of groceries and Minjeong rolled her eyes. "I told you to put on a coat, you should listen to me." She said placing her bag down and shrugging off her jacket, Minjeong held it out for Jimin to get into. The taller girl hid a blush that Minjeong had no clue was on her cheeks. Which was great in Jimin's favor.

"Thank you." She said slipping her arms into Minjeong's jacket. The woman just smiled holding the jacket for Jimin to get into, once she was inside, Minjeong didn't hesitate to zip it up for her.

"Now stay warm." She said in a softer voice, it was something she couldn't help when she spoke to the latter. The way she felt was evident in Minjeong's voice, but Jimin had never caught on to it. Minjeong was partially happy for this. The woman next to her grabbed her hand when Minjeong picked up her bag and began walking, a blush crept its way onto her face.

"Thank you, you would make a great partner." Jimin said before making kissy faces toward Minjeong. The girls heart beat sped up almost inhumanly fast, Jimin really didn't understand the power she held over Minjeong. The smaller girl bit her lip at the compliment.

"Thanks, you would too." She said shortly, she knew to other people they looked exactly like a couple. Especially in this moment, their hands were locked together and they were each carrying one grocery bag. Jimin in Minjeong's coat, they looked like they belonged to each other. But little did both girls know, they do belong to each other.

And Minjeong had nothing against that, in fact she wanted people to see them and think of a couple. But did her and Jimin want the same things?

Of course not. Jimin is straight, she is her best friend and she is straight. Which makes all of this completely wrong, and Minjeong had to put an end to it. Minjeong mentally groaned, removing their hands and putting a little gap between her and Jimin as they continued to walk back home.

The older girl definitely noticed the mood change in Minjeong, but she decided to not comment on it. Jimin couldn't deny that the smaller girls actions hurt her feelings, but maybe she was being too clingy. She had no right to be upset, it's not like they were dating anyway.

Once they arrived back at their shared apartment, Minjeong placed the bag down next to the one Jimin was holding. She took the contents out and started putting up the snacks. They had bought lots of delicious things like chips, candy, sweet drinks, ice cream. Anything you can think of, they bought it.

"Minjeong-ah, do you need help?" Jimin asked still in the woman's coat. The girl looked up and shook her head, her gaze lingering just a little longer to soak in the sight of Jimin wearing her coat. In her head she was blushing like an idiot, but in reality she kept her poker face.

"I'm keeping your coat because it smells like you." Jimin said before walking away and leaving Minjeong frozen in her spot. Did that mean Jimin liked the way Minjeong smelled, and was she possibly thinking of Minjeong more than Minjeong thought she was?

The blush that met Minjeong's cheeks was unreal. She couldn't believe the words of the older girl, why would she say that to her? Minjeong was really doomed.

She heard the sound of a door closing and sighed when she realized Jimin had went to her room. "Yoo's are on another level." She whispered placing the last box of snacks away. After deciding her job was done, she made her way to the hall to go into her own room.

That was before she started eavesdropping on Jimin. It's not like she meant to though, "Aeri, hello." Jimin said obviously on the phone with their best friend, and Minjeong knew she only called Aeri when she needed serious advice. So she was curious, and couldn't get herself to leave and stop listening.

"How do I know when I like someone and how can I figure out if it's mutual without asking?" Jimin asked and Minjeong furrowed her eyebrows. Jimin liked someone?

The girl frowned feeling her heart clench at the thought of Jimin being with someone that wasn't her, giving them all her attention and paying nearly none to Minjeong. She had no idea where this jealousy came from, but she sure as hell knew it was wrong to be jealous when they were just friends.

She should be happy for her, wait- why was she asking Aeri and not her?! Did Minjeong do something to make Jimin feel like she couldn't talk to her about these certain things?

"Do you like someone Jimin?" Minjeong heard Aeri ask which broke her out of her thoughts. Minjeong practically had her ear pressed up against the door, listening closely to the conversation between her two best friends.

"I don't know. I think there's a chance I might, but I'm afraid." The girl had said, making the last part really quiet. However, Minjeong's nosy ass still heard it. Her heart was breaking listening to the conversation, but maybe this is exactly what she needed in order to move on.

Maybe this could help Minjeong come to her senses and finally get over this love she was growing for her best friend. It wasn't very healthy from the start.



Hello! thank you for reading and I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter.

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