It's a new day, it's a new headache.

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Beside their bed, the girl they'd met a few days ago–maybe a week, was simply staring at them through naturally red bangs that hung over her eyes delicately.

Flinching slightly, y/n sat up as they made a groggy attempt at rubbing the sleep from their eyes.

"Ok.. uh.. Didn't know you were my sleep paralysis demon."

B/f/n began shushing them, enlongating it before stopping abruptly. "and get up", she dragged her words out, emphasizing the word up.

"Why didn't you just wake me up, again? I must've missed that part.." Y/n ran a tired hand through their hair, taking note of its slight filth. They'd have to shower later. And gods their head hurt like all hell. Note to self, take aspirin or something.

"You're a cranky cookie, an i didn't feel like losing a hand!" she giggled a bit, having stood and smoothed out her short, airy dress. Y/n squinted a bit, the bright colors being just a bit too much for someone who just woke up. They shuffled out of bed, groaning at the loss of warmth, and looked around for a second. Spamton wasnt there, good. They began to lumber towards the school-provided dresser. They threw some comfortable clothes on, the dark muted colors an obvious contrast to B/f/ns clothes.

Y/n sat on the carpeted floor, tying the shoes on their black combat boots,"Ok, so, i think it's a weekday.. But i don't care, So, you can come with or go to class. I personally don't mind either, but i'm gonna go to the skatepark. It's usually empty in the mornings anyways..." They trailed off, looking up at B/f/n from the floor.

"Sure! Schools boring, and you're not!" She beamed, holding out a dainty hand for y/n to grab. They did so, letting themself be guided up from the floor to stand in front of b/f/n.

"...That wasn't the answer i thought i'd get. Uhm, shit- Lemme grab my stuff an we'll leave through the back, yeah?"

Y/n stared at two vitamin drinks on the bedside table, and grabbing the full one and drinking it. There was a note that read, "I hear this stuff helps with hangovers, hope this helps! :)

-Sincerely, Spamton G. Spamton<3" They grabbed one, chugging it.

"Alright, I'll text spamton to meet us there!" And at that, y/n paused, brows furrowed.

Turning to b/f/n with an indistinguashable yet clearly negative look, "Why? He's.. you know.." Y/n didn't want to elaborate, moving their hands as they spoke.

"He's what? He's a friend! If we're gonna go hang out, we should invite him." She questioned them, eyes narrowing in confusion.

"He's, like, new?? I dunno, i barely know him!" They remarked, face reddening in frustration. They were too hungover for this.

"What's that matter? You barely know me."

Y/ns eyes widened slightly at b/f/ns sudden hostility. They struggled for words for but a second, now tighening their fists. Why does she care so much?

"That's different! You, You're–" "–I'm what? Harmless? He's done nothing wrong, why are you so against inviting him??"

She cut them off. She cut me off. They huffed, eye twitching slightly, already knowing they wouldn't get anywhere with her like this. Y/n turned, and began walking to the bathroom.

"Whatever. Invite him, i don't care. I'm gonna go fix my hair an shit.", They grumbled, picking at the doorframes peeling paint as they stood by it.

"Good! I will invite him." She sounded proud and cheery, her entire mood shifting the minute they agreed. Her arms were still crossed, bright blue shoes planted firmly on the old carpets torn cloth.

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