Ask #1

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GG1326: Ok you guys. You all have to be on your best behavior. You all have behaved in my other book so can you please be good in this one?

Toby: The only reason I was behaving is because you don't give me any screen time in your other book!

GG1326: Don't worry, you are going to be in the sequel.

Masky: You guys we are on. You know that right?

Hoodie: Yeah, you just gave a spoiler to your readers. But anyways. Any questions?

GG1326: Yeah. This one is from one of my friends. How do you guys feel about the Slender games?

Masky: Well. They are very detailed and graphic. I like them.

Toby: I-I guess they are alright. The games don't scare me though.

Hoodie: To me, they are just super fun.

GG1326: Well that's it for now. If you guys could leave some questions or dares for them I will get to them as soon as I can. See ya!

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