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This was around the time that I was in fifth grade. My teacher wasn't there that day so we had a sub. We had just finished science and she (the sub) gave us some free time so we could talk and stuff. So my friends and I were talking about scary stuff and telling stories. After a while I noticed the sub got up and was walking around and listening to what the class was saying and when she came to our table she decided to stay and listen in. By now ten minutes had gone by so the sub got our attention and was about to start a new lesson when the lights started flickering. Of course my class ignored it and was waiting for the sub to start the lesson. Then the lights came back on and when the sub turned the book over the clock that was behind her fell. (mind you this clock is broken) So the sub picked it up and placed it back on the wall and it started to tick again. Now you're probably asking yourself why is that scary? But the thing is while my friends and I were talking about all this scary stuff my friend was all like...

Arianna - " I think somethings gonna happen."

Me - "oh, like what like that clocks gonna fall and the lights are gonna flicker?"

Arianna - "ugh, never-mind."

See what I'm saying? Even though I was goofing around that clock still fell and the lights flickered. Creepy right?

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