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Not All these ocs are mine


~luci pov~

I hear a loud scream. I brush it off before hearing sobbing. Their voices sound familiar…

'Ryu..?' I thought before rushing to where it was coming from. As I enter his room I see that they have broken and are tearing apart Ryu's leg. I realized Ryu wasn't attached to the leg… the bug left and I heard Ryu sobbing.

"L-lucilo! Please- it hurts…-"

Tears rolled down his cheeks as he bled out. Ryu was in clear agonizing pain as he wept.

"LUCI!... PLEASE… HELP!...-"

I just stood there unable to move as I silently started to cry. Ryu was trying to pull himself together, he had clearly lost too much blood. 


It seems zayla heard the screaming and rushed over. 

"What is all the scr-"

She said before she saw Ryu on the floor. She panicked and ran to him.


She picked him up. It was no use..  he was fading. You could see the colour drain from his face..

"Zay…? Is that you..?"

he said slowly drifting away.


She runs with him trying to make it there in time. I ran after him and took him from her arms.

"Zay, it's no use.. I'm sorry"

She started crying.


She takes him again and tries to leave faster. Ryu was dying fast. I run after her and catch up to her at the infirmary.

Qumi walked out to see them. I couldn't hear what they were saying but qumi seemed to be the only one that was keeping themselves calm. They took him out of her arms.

I finally caught up to Zay. I put my hand on her shoulder and she just slapped it away. She looked at me with clear hatred in her eyes.

"Don't Fucking touch me."

She seemed angry, like genuinely mad at me. Like it was my fault the bug attacked him.

"Zay, calm down-"

That comment I made seemed to anger her more.

"c-calm down? Calm down?! You don't get to tell me to calm down luci! He is probably gonna die because of YOU. I'm going to lose someone else! BECAUSE YOU JUST STOOD THERE"

She yelled angrily at me. 

"Well think about how i feel- I-"

I selfishly told her before she cut me off

"I don't care how you feel lucilo."

We stood there in silence. What felt like hours went by and Qumi walked out.

They stood there for a second before saying anything since the tension was so high.

"I have some bad news, but you guys are probably used to it by now."

The two of us seemed to freeze and we looked at them.

"I apologize but we were forced to kill him before he could become one of them"

they said, before going silent.

"I'll leave the two of you alone for now"

She said before going back inside. I looked over to see Zay's reaction and she was crying, as expected. I went over to comfort her.

"Zay- im sorry-"

She slapped me across the face

"Don't pretend you're sorry."

She tried to wipe her tears as she pushed me to the floor

"How could you just stand there and watch him die?"

"Zay, I-"

"Don't call me that"


"You killed him lucilo. Now you get to live with the guilt."

I fell silent. I didn't want to say anything as it would only make things worse. I need to give her time to recover.

She stormed off sobbing. 

'Why did she pin the blame on me.. it wasn't my fault.. was it?' I could feel myself second guessing myself .

I started to tear up. 

Ryu… I didn't get to say goodbye…

I stood up and walked in the room. I saw Ryu's motionless body on the bed. I walked up to it and sat by it. His eyes were still open, I could see how much pain he was in before he died. I pulled his eyelids down. 


I was still crying. He of course didn't respond this time. He used to comfort me every time I felt like this, but this time was different… he is dead now, and I have to try and accept that fact. I expect this, But not so soon. Why did everyone leave me? Am I a bad person? Why did I just stand there and do nothing? Why did he have to die? It was out of my control… right? 

I stopped for a second and began to cry a bit harder. Qumi seemed to just ignore me as she didn't care too much. 

I continued to sob holding ryu’s corpse in my arms.


Lucilo and Qumi
Tiktok- ZeverckYoyu

Ragz (lowkey forgot their tiktok)

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