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She flickered her eyelids open, first disoriented as to where she was. But a glance at Yomi at the driver's seat brought back the incidents of the day; a robbery at her house, getting shot.

If the robbers were not caught,  they would come back for me and my box, and that would be putting Yomi and his daughter at risk by staying with them.

She shuddered at the thought.

“Are you okay?” Yomi casted her a concerned glance.

She nodded, unable to speak. As they drove through into an unfamiliar driveway, Dinma blinked away from her eyes the remnants of sleep.

Where were they?

And as though reading her thoughts, he said calmly as he killed the engine. “We are at my sister's.”

“Oh!” She should still be sleeping.

She watched him walk out of the car to the front door in quick strides. He knocked at the door twice and it was opened by a lady. From where she was, in the shotgun of Yomi's car, Dinma could make out the features of the woman as she stepped out into the front light of the house. She knew instantly that she was his sister.  She looked like she was in her late thirties, her gait was that of a rich woman, and Dinma could see the resemblance between the two.

They both spoke animatedly for a while and the woman looked towards the car, making her wonder what they were talking about, and almost immediately Yomi walked into the house and the door was shut behind him.

Dinma took a moment to survey the neighborhood she was in. Just like Yomi's, His sister's lived in a very wealthy neighborhood, and Dinma could tell even in the dark.

After what seemed to be an hour later, Yomi walked out of the house carrying a sleeping Zara on his shoulder, with his sister trailing behind with a bag.

“Good evening.” Dinma greeted as the woman approached the car.

The woman nodded and gave her a small smile, as Yomi opened the door behind and placed his daughter carefully on the passenger seat.

“Meet my sister Mopelola.” Yomi introduced as he slipped behind his wheel.

Mopelola slipped her head into the window beside her “Dinma, I've heard a lot about you.”

Okay “Nice meeting you.”

“I'll call you when I get home.” Yomi said to his sister as he revived the engine of the car.

Dinma offered a small wave to his sister, and leaned back into the sit while Yomi drove, taking notes of the exhaustion that wore on his body. The drive to his house was surprisingly a short one and the time on the dashboard read 8:36pm.

As he killed the engine, She made to help herself out of the car, but the stern look he gave her sent her sulking in her seat. He carefully carried his daughter in, and Dinma could see how much his daughter meant to him. The sight warmed her heart.

After what seemed like forever, Yomi was back, opening her door as though she was his girlfriend.


He leaned towards her causing her to gasp a little, she was affected by the distance between them. Her subconsciousness squealed in delight, obviously enjoying the situation.
His hands went under her legs, and the contact sent mad fluttering butterflies in her stomach.

“I want to carry you.” His voice sounded unsure.

Her voice came out in a breathy whisper, “But I can walk.”

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