The innovation center

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We arrived on main Street and Gray was running towards the innovation center, me and Zach were trying to catch up.

Zach and Gray entered through the door. I was on my phone and noticed that the door was closing so i squeezed through before looking back at my phone, Zach and Gray were busy so I decided to walk around while setting things for my wedding.

I saw Claire, Zach and Gray talking "whoa Zach, last time i saw you were like, that must have been what? 3,4 years ago?" Claire said while I approached "7,7 years ago but yiu know uh close" Zach replied 'she hasn't seen them in 7 years? Wow' I thought to myself "so I see you got your wristbands" Claire said while I was on my phone "and this is for you, Zara here is going to take great care of you until I am done working"

I looked up when Claire said my name "you're not coming with us?" Gray asked in a sad voice "oh, I really wish that I could but umm, tomorrow I can take you to the control room show, you behind the scenes and all that, that's that seems cool right?"

Claire then got a notification sound "ok so I will see you guys at six" Claire said "oh, no, no, no don't forget you have the.." I reminded Claire while pulling my right hand towards her"right, of course, I will see you guys at 8, what time do you go to sleep?, Or do you go to sleep at different times?"

Claire then got another notification "ok so um, have fun" Claire said before looking at me and saying "and take very good care of them okay?" While walking backwards.

"Zara?" Gray said after we left the innovation center "yes?" I asked "can we go to gentle giants?" He asked "sure" I replied "but maybe let's get food first, would you like that?" I asked "sure" Gray said "what about you Zach?" I asked "sure" he said still on his phone.

We arrived at Winston's and we sat at a table by the window ,a waiter then approached us "what would you like?" He asked "velociburger, compyfries and soda" Gray said "a T-rex burger and compyfries and coke" Zach said "brachiburger and fanta" I said "alright your order will be right up" the waiter said.

*After they ate the food and Zara paid*

"Let's go" while walking to the path that leads to gentle giants, Gray was excited and Zach was on his while I was watching them both.

AN: Hope you enjoyed there are more chapters to come, today i will also post the 3rd chapter and tomorrow I'll start writing the forth chapter, I hope it won't be too hard. Have a good day/noon/night.

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