Blue is good. Red is evil(Not really)

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POV: Ralph and Vanellope(Who is now free to roam around now that she is not a glitch anymore, but she has the power to glitch) was walking out of Vanellope's game. Ralph decided to introduce her to his friends, including Sonic the Hedgehog. Vanellope and Sonic instantly become friends because of how much they have in common. How will Ralph react?

Ralph and Vanellope were walking out of Vanellope's game. "Thanks for this, Ralph. I never experienced what this place looks like because I was a glitch" Vanellope said. "You're welcome, Vanellope. But I still have more to show you" Ralph said. "Like what?" "Like introducing you to my friends" "Woah, you have friends here? Awesome" "Let's go" Ralph walked to his game and Vanellope followed him. "The first friend that I'm gonna introduce you to is Sonic" Ralph said. "Woah, cool" Vanellope said. Ralph looked around for Sonic. "If he is here. Sonic!" "What does he look like?" Vanellope asked. "Eh, he has blue fur, quills, and-" "He is standing right behind you, Ralph" Sonic said. Ralph turned around to find Sonic standing right behind him. "Oh., found him" Ralph said. Sonic rolled his eyes. "Anyway, what do you want? I heard you calling me, so I came over" Sonic said, then his eyes went on Vanellope. "Who is this?" He asked. "This is Vanellope Von Schweetz, she's part of Sugar Rush, but you never met her because she was a glitch" Ralph said. Sonic went over to Vanellope and started patting her head. "Awe! Well, aren't you adorable?" The hedgehog said. "Thanks" Vanellope replied, then responded by going to pat his head, but then realized she was kinda short to do so. Sonic knew what she was trying to do, so he got to her level and she mouthed 'thank you' and pat his head. "Ow! Geez, what's with those things on your head?" Vanellope asked. "Those are my quills" Sonic said. "You have quills?? I thought most humans don't" "That's because I'm not a human. I'm a Mobian" "What's a Mobian?" "Yeah, I've been meaning to ask that" Ralph said. "A Mobian are sort of like humans, but they take the form of animals" Sonic explained. "Wow, cool. What animal are you?" Vanellope asked. "Are you a porcupine?" "No, I'm a hedgehog" Sonic said. "Cool, I've either wanted to meet a porcupine or a hedgehog 'cuz those are my favorite animals" Vanellope said, then looked at Sonic's quills. "Oooh, I love your quills, I kinda hate them because they poked me, but still" She said. Sonic laughed. "Thank you and sorry, they're kind of sharp to the point that they can cut though metal, but don't worry, I won't hurt you again" Sonic said. "Woah, your quills are that sharp?" Vanellope asked. "Yea, which is why most people do not-" "Give you a hug?" "Yea" "I'll be careful" Vanellope then gave him a hug, then he hugged back. "Awe, you didn't have to do that, but thank you" Sonic said. "No, it's fine. And you're welcome" Vanellope said. "Well, aren't you two getting along" Ralph said to both me and Sonic. Vanellope giggled. "Yea, I met most people before, but not a mobian, this is so awesome" She said. "And I never met a girl who was just as excited as I am when I got here to Earth" Sonic said. "Wait, you never tell me that you weren't from Earth" Ralph said. "Oh, yea. I didn't" "So where are you from, if ya' don't mind me asking?" Vanellope asked. "I'm from Mobius, a planet that's a bit far from here" Sonic explained. "Woah, cool. So you're from a whole other planet?" Vanellope asked, then Sonic nodded his head. "That is really awesome" The glitch said. "I always wanted to go to different planets, but never could" She said. "Aww. Well, how 'bout next time I go to Mobius, you can come with me?" Sonic asked. "Really?" Sonic nodded. "That would be awesome. Thank you, Sonic!" Vanellope then hugged Sonic again. "You're welcome Vanellope" Sonic said. "You know, just like you, Vanellope, Sonic also defeated a bad guy" Ralph said. "Oh wow. Did you really?" Vanellope asked. "Yeah, I defeated Dr. Eggman or as I like to call him, Egghead" Sonic said. "He's the bad guy in my game, who tries to stop me from foiling his plans, but he always fail" He said and laughed. "Oooo. That sounds cool. Why do you can him Egghead?" Vanellope asked. "Cause his head is bald like an egg" Sonic said. Vanellope giggled in response. "When you see him, you'll know why I call him Egghead. I also call him Baldy Mc. NoseHair" Sonic said. "You seem to have a lot of nickname for that guy" Vanellope commented. "Yea, so much that I actually ran out of nicknames to call him" "Oh yeah, I remembered in one episode of Sonic Boom that you were trying to think of a nickname, but you couldn't" Ralph said. "Yeah, so I called him Eggy one time" Sonic said. Vanellope once again giggled in response. "That's really funny though, how you have all those nicknames for him" She said. "I don't have any for King Candy/Turbo" "How 'bout I help you come up with them?" Sonic asked. "That would be nice. Thanks" "No problem. Helping others is what I do........, except when they try to kill me or attack me.......,.... or when they're in water...., except in a pool..... or a river....... or a lake...... or some form of water that is 1-3 feet deep" Sonic said. "You scared of water?" Ralph asked. "No! I just....... I just don't like water, ok" Sonic quickly said. Vanellope laughed in response. "But seriously though, I do like helping others" The hedgehog said. "I do too, except when they're too clingy" Vanellope said, looking at Ralph. "We didn't even have that movie come out yet, so Vanellope can't even say that to me yet" Sonic said, turned away from Ralph and Vanellope. Then he turned back to face Vanellope. "What was that?" Vanellope asked. "Nothing, it was nothing" Sonic quickly said. "But anyway, I get that. Amy is more than clingy, she has a huge crush on me, and I don't have any feelings for her" He said. "Who's Amy?" Vanellope asked. "She's another mobian. She's a hedgehog like me, and also, if you make her mad, be careful around her hammer" Sonic explained. "It really hurts" He said. "Woah, now I know how Taffyta's gonna feel when she meets Amy" Vanellope said. "Who's Taffyta?" "A racer from my game who....... sometimes cries" "Oh" "But she is tough on the outside, but is sweet on the inside" "Amy is too" "Awesome" "Wow, you two have a lot in common" Ralph said. "Yea, we do. We have more in common than me and you do, Ralph" Vanellope said. "Well, as much as visual compatibility goes. I may have to ask Tails how compatible we are" Sonic said. "Let me guess: Tails is another mobian?" "Yea, he is a fox who is really smart" "Awesome. A fox who's smart, wow" "Yeah, that's basically my reaction what I heard how smart he was for his age" "How old is he?" "Eight" "Wooooaah,........ he must have a big brain" Vanellope commented, then Sonic laughed a bit. "Yea" He said. "Hey, can I meet him..... if you not too busy" Vanellope asked. "Sure, I don't have anything else going on right now" Sonic said. "Yay! Let's go" Vanellope and Sonic started to walk away, but Ralph stopped them. "Uh.... can I come too? I want to make sure this is the real deal" He said. "Oh, it is. He is really smart for his age, but you can come anyway. I have an awesome frie.......... uh........ accomplice for you to meet" Sonic said. "You two aren't friends?" "Nah, not really. More like a faker 'cause he looks like me. His name's Shadow" Sonic said. "What's he like?" Vanellope asked. "Eh....... doesn't like anyone except for a girl that he likes, Rouge, and a robot named Omega, he really doesn't like me, plus he has these shoes called Rocket Shoes to make himself go fast and when he wears them, he's almost as fast as me" Sonic explained. "How fast can he and you go?" Vanellope asked. "This is the awesome part" Ralph whispered to Vanellope. "I can go this fast" Sonic said, then grabbed Ralph and Vanellope's hands and ran off at the speed of sound. "Awesome!" Vanellope said. He then stopped at where Ralph introduced Vanellope to Sonic, then he let go of their hands. "That was so awesome!! You have got be in Sugar Rush. My friends was be happy to race you, especially Taffyta. She is really into racing" Vanellope said in excitement. Sonic laughed in response. "Thanks, but I'm doing just fine in my game. Maybe if you see Taffyta, you can tell her every once in a while, she can come to my game and we can race each other. It gets pretty boring racing Shadow every time, but it's fine, especially when I kick his butt" He said. Vanellope laughed. "I'll keep that in mind" She said. "Anyway, let's go" She and Sonic walked away to Sonic's game. "Wait for me, guys" Ralph followed them. "Woah, what is that?" Vanellope asked, pointing to a ring. It was showing a picture of Green Hill. "That is a portal ring, it'll teleport us into the game" Sonic said. "Come on" Sonic walked to the portal ring, then went into it, then Vanellope went in. "Come on, Ralph" Vanellope's voice inside the portal ring said. Ralph then went into the portal ring.

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