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My jaw dropped at how massive their gate was. I kept forgetting that their house was huge. It's like a castle.

Our call time was 2 PM, and since Lumine had kicked me out of the house, I had no choice but to come here early.

More importantly, why am I sweating? Am I nervous? Yes, but I am also excited. Is that supposed to be normal?

My thoughts were interrupted when the gate suddenly opened and Noelle appeared.

"Master Aether." She greeted him and bowed her head.

"Hi, Noelle! It's been a while since my last visit. How are you doing?" I asked.

She smiled and answered, "Good, master. How about you?"

"Great! By the way, you can speak casually to me without calling me master. In fact, you can just call me Aether," I said.

"I sincerely do apologize, but it's a force of habit for me to call any person master or mistress."

"I see." She nodded and guided me inside the mansion. My eyes wandered and I noticed the beautiful scenery of their front yard, which was filled with flowers and butterflies.

When Noelle opened the front door, a tall, ginger-haired man suddenly greeted me and squeezed me into a hug. "Aether!"

"N-nice to s-see y-you again-n, Uncle C-childe." It may be the end of me because this hug is killing me and making it hard to breathe. Dude, the struggle is real!

I immediately caught my breath when he parted ways. "I missed you so much! You rarely visit us nowadays, dear."

I chuckled when he pouted. "Sorry, Uncle. It appears that I am busy lately, and it's kind of hard to manage the time."

"I understand. You had no idea how my heart was filled with joy when Xiao said that you would come here for your literature project. I tried to convince him the other night to ask you to pay us a visit, but he said that you may be busy with school work. It must be destiny that you two are on the same team in your team performance!" My cheeks turned red, and I didn't notice that my face formed a smile.

"Aww, how cute!" He complimented me and pinched my cheeks.

"No wonder my child is attracted to you." My eyes blinked twice, and my body froze. Did my ears hear that correctly?

"Uncle, what did you say?" I asked.

Realization hit him, and he immediately covered his mouth. "Oops!"

I was about to make him repeat what he said, but Noelle suddenly interrupted our conversation. "Master, forgive me for interrupting, but what about your appointment?"

"Yes! Yes! My apologies, dear, but it seems that I have an unexpected appointment with a client. Noelle, can you guide Aether to Xiao's room? You can also ask her for help if you have any concerns and kindly send my best regards to Chongyun. You three have fun!" He said and immediately disappeared from my sight.

I swear my ears heard that correctly. I pinched my cheeks to check if this was a dream or not, but it hurt, so obviously it's reality. My eyes landed on the petite maid beside me, and a random spotlight shone on her.

"Noelle!" I yelled and shook her body. How can my brain be that stupid that it took me a few minutes before even realizing it?

"You were there with us. Did you hear what Uncle Childe said before he left? Can you please tell me?" I asked while shaking her body.

"I had no idea what you were saying, master," she answered.

"Girl, don't play dumb with me!" I said.

Her eyes avoided my gaze, and she immediately changed the topic. "Should I take you now to the young master's room?"

"Don't even try to change the subject, ma'am!"

"It is not my duty and responsibility to foresee your love life." Girl, who hurt you today?

"Rude? But it's your duty and responsibility to help me with any concerns." I fought back.

"You will know by asking the young master himself," she responded.

"You're kidding me, right? You know how he likes to keep secrets, and it's not that easy to make him open up to me."

"Not my fault." Is this what you call generosity? Because if it is, end my pain.

"You can take me to his room now." She nodded her head and led me to his room. She knocked first, but there was no response, so she opened the door and told me to come in.

"He is probably taking his shower, so you can wait for him inside his room." My ears can hear the sirens.

"It may not be a good idea," I said, and she looked at me innocently.

"What do you mean, master?" She asked, fighting her eyelashes.

I am confused about whether she's pretending to act innocent or not, but let's focus more on the real problem here! On one hand, my eyes will love the view, yet on the other hand, the view is exclusive to adults only. Lumine's words immediately came to mind.

"What if he comes out naked?"

"Will not that satisfy you?" Is she doing this on purpose? I am trying to keep this as PG-13 as possible!

"It's not like it won't satisfy me, but—" She didn't let me finish my sentence because she immediately closed the door and left me inside the room.

And with that, we are in the red zone, soldier.

My heartbeat and the sound of the running water were the only things that could be heard inside the room. I tried to calm my heartbeat by doing breathing exercises.

My eyes scanned the room and appreciated its cleanliness. His room was a combination of black and white. It was simple, but it truly describes Xiao.

Some stuff, like his favorite Rex Lapis plush toy, was placed on his bed. It made me let out a small chuckle at how cute he was. What to do? My heart does not seem to be at ease.

"Aether?" A voice suddenly spoke behind me, and my soul almost left my body from surprise.

I haven't faced him yet because my mind is overthinking the current situation. When did he come out of the bathroom? How come my ears didn't hear him? Is he naked? But if he were naked, why is he this calm? Also, why is my heart about to explode? You know what? Screw this.

I decided to turn my head around and face him. My eyes slowly opened, and I saw my beloved crush in his black hoodie and sweat pants. Why did that disappoint me?

Admit it: you are a horny human being who wants to see him naked.

No! I am not that sick.

Says the one who had wet dreams about him.

I think— I don't— I—



Author's Note:

Aether's left brain:

Aether's left brain:

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