My mate.......My pups

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'Kawaki please' Boruto begged as he cuddled up to Kawaki, Kawaki's breathing has stopped he was almost to the last stage of Sub-drop if he reached it he would die 'My Mate please be okay' Boruto begged 'This is what i get i finally settle down and then i fuck it all up' Then Sakura came in "Boruto i think you should know something"

"What is it Auntie Sakura" Boruto said he tried to keep his voice steady but failed miserably "We figured out that Kawaki is pregnant with triplets and it seems that they are yours that is what caused the Sub-drop to go a bit faster than it probably should have" Sakura said, "What" Boruto said looking up "Pregnant with my pups"

"Yeah" Sakura said "I'll leave you two alone" She said ealking out "Thanks" this made Boruto jump cause he didn't say it he turned to where Kawaki was and what he saw brought relief to him, Kawaki was awake but was looking a bit crestfallen "Darling are you okay I am so sorry for making you worry please, please i apologize" Boruto just rambled "Boruto... did you cheat on me while you were out"

"How?" Boruto said going into tears "I had a feeling" Kawaki said "You can leave now" Boruto just broke down into tears "No Kawaki I'm sorry please Kawaki I- i didn't think i was angry please" Boruto broke down cling on to Kawaki. Kawaki didn't push him of but he didn't comfort him either

"Boruto i need some time please" Boruto just kept crying but he nodded. He got up and went to the door "Kawaki I truly am sorry"

 That night neither of them slept and for three months straight Kawaki avoided Boruto leaving the blonde more heartbroken than before 

'Oh Kawaki I'll have you soon"

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