chapter 2: shopping while molly rages.

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As he went back over to his desk Slingblade says.

Slingblade: as of right now mister Potter you are emancipated and you can now not have a guardian and as soon as possible you will have the trace on your wand taken off.

Just then I heard a pop and a hoot as we both turned around to see miss Amelia with hedwig and my trunk with a few bags of things.

Slingblade: ah perfect timing.

I went over to miss Amelia who had hedwig as I took her cage I said.

Harry: hi there girl sorry about that.

She nipped at my finger playfully as a small laugh left my mouth.

Amelia: *frowns* (how can someone treat such kind innocent soul like that.)

I then heard.

Slingblade: hello again we have just emancipated mister Potter here and require you to remove his trace on his wand.

Amelia: ah I see may I see your wand mister Potter.

Harry: okay and it's just Harry.

I handed her my wand.

Slingblade: ah just so you know mister Potter we if you happen to have someone in mind that you trust you can appoint them, as your representative and as well make them your guardian. You'll have to go through us and the ministry of magic to make it official, it might sound strange to have a guardian when emancipated but it's more for guidance and a bit of protection, you can change them if you see fit to no questions asked.

I nodded as I asked.

Harry: okay um is it okay if I let hedwig out?

Slingblade: you may so long as she doesn't make a mess.

Harry: she won't she's trained well.

I went to open the cage til I saw that the lock was gone as I heard miss Amelia.

Amelia: I did away with that lock also your wand.

She said giving me my wand back I put it in my pocket as I opened the cage hedwig flew on to my right shoulder as I heard.

Amelia: I will have to take mister pot- Harry here to st mungo's for their evaluation as well.

I was confused at this.

Harry: why Slingblade and clawheart already did it?

Before miss Amelia said anything I heard mister Kingsley.

Kingsley: it's because most of the ministry don't want to believe just a goblins word, but they are foolish.

Harry: I believe so.

Slingblade: now before anything else I believe I should warn you and your now bodyguard that at night because of your lord rings changes will start to happen.

Everyone looked at him as he explained it to Amelia what he meant after that he continued.

Slingblade: the most drastic change will come with the effects of the griffendor ring, it will increase your strength/endurance/ and Agility tenfold while you sleep you'll have to train in order to control them. As you grow you'll get they will get stronger and will stop once you turn 21.

My eyes widened at that as he continued.

Slingblade: the ravenclaw ring will will give you an almost photographic memory and will also the longevity of the wearer rowena ravenclaw lived nearly 350 years.

My jaw dropped as he continued.

Slingblade: ah yes the potter ring 2 will give you occlumency mastery it protects your mind from attacks,and has a barrier that smaller smells can't get past like stunners well most of them, auror's do know ones that can get past that. It also has a barrier around the wearer that automatically blocks spells that would be fatal such as a slashing curse that was aimed at your head it would block it, but if it would just going to scratch you then it wouldn't block it and it.and yes that includes someone trying to cut something off of you that could make you bleed out.

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