Hokage Sasuke- Day 23

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Hokage Sasuke (DAY 23) - #ssmonth2022 - NSFW DUE TO DARK-THEME NOT SMUT!
Alternative Univers inspired (dark-theme)

Happy Birthday, Sasuke!


She just needed to run a little bit faster and she would hit the border; he couldn't touch her there. The sound of twigs snapping behind her and shouting spurred her forwards in earnest. 'How did they detect me so quickly??? I-I have to make it back or the others will come looking and— SHIT!!!'

Her foot snagged on a branch, but she managed to catch herself just in time, before she smacked face first into the dirt. However, the momentary lapse was just enough time to have her pursuers catch up to her and soon she found herself tackled to the ground, before a sharp needle was jabbed into the side of her neck roughly.

Sakura tried to fight it... she really, really did, but the damn drug was quick acting and soon she found her vision going black. Before she slipped into unconsciousness— a voice. Familiar in nature. 'Is that... Suigetsu?'

"We found her, sir. Yes, it's Sakura Haruno. Pink hair and small build? Okay. Bringing her in now."

Weeks later...

The Hokage sat with his back facing her...refusing to even acknowledge the pinkette at first, while she sat chained to a chair in his office; eyes glaring daggers into his back and since her chakra was depleted due to the constant binding she was forced to wear... all she could do was wait. When she had grown tired of being ignored however... she finally snapped.

"What do you want from me, Sasuke? Why keep me here," she forced out, through clenched teeth. He finally turned to her then, his gaze steady as he stood and walked towards her; only to grab her jaw roughly in his left hand. If she had her strength, she would have been able to easily jerk away from his touch, but as it stands, Sakura could do very little when his grip only grew tighter. She spat at him, her anger taking hold of her common sense. "I hate you, Sasuke. So fucking much...," she seethed as he used his right hand to scrub down his face; his eyes narrowing at her statement.

But then, a dark glint formed in his eyes as his lips twisted upwards. He smiled at her... but this was no ordinary grin. There was no amusement in it. Only malice.

"I want to hurt you, Sakura. Punish you for fleeing from me again. I want to ruin you, in any way possible and I want to break you; crush your spirit until there is nothing left...," he hissed, almost as if he's talking to himself. "I want to make you cry, beg and plead with me for mercy...despite the fact that you know it'll never come. That... is what I want from you." Her head was fucking spinning as she try to register his twisted words... and the seriousness behind each and every threat.

She tried to put on a brave face on the outside, jutting out her jaw in defiance, but inside... she was fucking terrified.

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