Chapter 6

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I walked down the hallways after Crowley until we stopped at his office.

He turned to Anubis and said, "Can you young man, please wait for us here? We have a private matter to discuss".

Anubis nods his head and replies with a "sure". I gulp as I enter the office. Nothing really changed. It was exactly the same as always. Except this time I had an angry Crow on my case. "Take a seat", gritted out Crowley. I could feel sweat form on my forehead at his tone. To be honest .......... I didn't think he would react this badly. So I faked my death and? What do you expect me to do go back in time and actually die? It's not my fault. I did it to survive.

I sit down and look anywhere except Crowley. "So. Do you mind telling me how your still alive after all these years even though you died? Or do I have to make you speak?". I swallow the saliva that gathered in my mouth before replying. "Well, you see I faked my death ......... so people wouldn't know that I'm alive and so that people wouldn't hurt the ones I loved?".

He looks at me with cold eyes before he sighs. "Well, there's nothing that I can do now anyway. So let's go and put you and that boy into the spare dorm. You remember, the one that wasn't used?". I just look at him with puppy eyes before begging. "What but I am your friend! And you would put me in that shack after all these years!?".

"YES! YOU DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH PAIN YOU GAVE ME AFTER 'FAKING' YOUR DEATH! SO don't act like you care". I recoil from his outburst as he stands up and makes his way to the door. "Now come, I'll show you to your dorm".


"This is too much character, if you ask me",says Anubis with an uneasy face. "You want us to stay here?".

"Isn't it delightful? Right, scoot inside now." He carefully opens the rusty gate which barely hangs on. Anubis looked at Crowley with a raised eyebrow as he sweat drops and rushes
to open the door. "There you go. This should keep the elements at bay for the time being".

Me and Anubis enter the hallway and into the main room. The place was a mess. I still remember long ago, when this place was full of life........ Now it was just an empty shell of its former glory.

"Now I should return to my research. Do try to find some way to busy yourself" I look at Anubis as he stares around with a stoic face. "But don't let
me catch you wandering the campus!Ta!" He rushes out the door before anyone can stop him. The door slams behind him as Anubis turns to me.

Suddenly droplets of rain started to fall, making puddles on the floor. "Looks like it started to rain", says Anubis. "I hope you don't mind if I fix this place up a bit do you?".

I shake my head as he lifts his hands up. He starts chanting in egyptian as our surroundings start to change. The whole dorm changed into what resembles the layout of a pyramid. There were stone columns and stane carvings. Instead of tables there were black marble sacrificial altars and for chairs there were steel with black leather stools.

A black marble kitchen and fireplace. Non rusting appliances and a TV. The floor was black marble with gold veins. Weaved rugs on the floor and tapestries hung from the wall. To say I was impressed would be an understatement.

*BANG!* Me and Anubis tuned to the enterance to see none other than Grim. "GWAH! It's pouring out there!". Grim turned to look at us before he burst out laughing. "Bwahaha! That look on your face is priceless! Like a bat that got blasted by a water gun. As if I wouldn't just sneak back onto campus the second I escaped pryin' eyes",he continued.

"You all got no idea what I'm capable of! I ain't givin' up on going here just cause I got kicked out one measly ol'time. And if you think otherwise, you don't know Grim!"

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