Chapter 14

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I feel like I was having the strangest dream.... But that wasn't too unusual for a god. Most had dreams that predicted the future and such. "Myaaaah.... Hey Anubis.... I know it's the middle of the night, but I think we've got a visitor. Maybe it's those pesky ghosts again?", mutters Grim as he pulls my arm. *bang bang bang*

I just get up, grab Grim by the tail and make my way downstairs. "Who would be here disturbing my sleep especially Khana's?", I ask no one in particularly. I grab the handle and open the door to see......

"It's me Ace! Just let me in, all right?". I stand back as he walks inside. "Ace? It's the middle of the night! B-bwah! That collar!", screams Grim. "I'm not ever going back to Heartslabyul. I'm joining your dorm. For good", announces Ace. I just stand there in shock.

Am I bothered because he got kicked out of Heartslabyul? Noooo. I'm worried of him capturing the attention of my beloved. "Myah?! Come again?!".


"I'd recognise that collar anywhere. It's the same one that psycho stuck on me at the ceremony! What'd you do to get shackled with that?", asks Grim as Ace and I walk into the lounge.

"I ate a tart". "That's it?", Grim questions. I just sit down and wait for him to tell us his tale.


"Man I'm still tired from our little adventure. I missed dinner too, and now I'm starving! Got anything for me, fridge?.....

Whoa, score! Tarts! Those look amazing! And plenty to go around, too! No one would notice if I snagged one teeeeeensy little slice, right? Right.

Of course not. *munch* Mmph... SO good! I'm in pastry paradise right now!". "Of course they're good. Trey made them. His tarts are always exceptional", spoke an enraged voice.

"Yeah, but I mean....these are CRAZY good! Like, he could sell these at-wait, Dorm leader?!". He turned around to see Dorm leader Riddle. "That you would think to touch something of MINE...

Well, I'm impressed with the audacity, at least. But the Queen of Hearts rule89 is quite clear. 'Never eat a tart without the Queens permission'. The theft of tarts is a serious crime! Off with your head!". "Bwaaaaaah!"


"I see". "See what?", Grim asked confusedly as I get ready to reveal my theory. "I have come to the conclusion that Ace Trappola here is......... .............. ............a complete and utter moron!".

Ace looked outraged while Grim was trying not to laugh. Grim sadly lost and started cackling. "Anyway I am", mumbled Ace looking dejected. ......... Grim then decided to turn serious "So.... The point is you're both terrible?".

"You don't think that it's insane for my magic to get sealed away for eating ONE slice of tart?! For a mage, that's like having your arms and legs shackled! And there were three whole tarts! THREE! It's like he could eat 'em all himself! C'mon, you KNOW this is messed up!" Shouted Ace. You could literally see a vein on his forehead. "It does seem a tad extreme..", I started.

"Riiiight?!". "Yeah, but.... I mean, if there were three of 'em, they were probably for a party. Maybe it was someone's birthday or somethin'? Look at that! I'm a master of deduction!".

"Did you even apologise?", I questioned with a frown. He rubbed the back of his head looking ashamed. "Man... I thought you'd be more sympathetic! I'm a victim of the Dorm leaders tyranny here!".

"He may have been a little extreme...." "But you stole food! That ain't cool!", Grim continued on. "Tomorrow, go and apologise", I said in all seriousness.

"You don't go messin' with another man's meal.... Hey, wait a minute! I just realised I never got those cans of tuna the headmage promised me!", shouted Grim. Is this necessary right now? Ace looked annoyed but eventually agreed.

"All right, all right. Fine. I get that I should apologise. But you're coming with me, Anubis. And so is Khana. This was your idea, after all".

"Fair enough". "Anyway, you got a place for me to crash tonight?". Grim just looked done with all of this.

"You were serious about that? Outside of the bedroom me and Anubis use and the room Khana uses, this entire dump is buried under a foot of dust. So if you wanna crash, you better start cleanin'!".

"Dude on way! I hate cleaning! Just let me stay with you, Anubis. I'm real slim so I won't take up much space Kay?". "Absllutely not", I responded. "Tch stingy wait what about Khana?!".

"That's pointless since her bed is only for one person", I quickly lie. No way am I letting this boy anywhere near my beloved. Much less let him sleep next to her. "Ugh fine! I'll take the couch then. Where are all the blankets and pillows.

I point him in the direction of the closet as he walks away and comes back with a blanket and pillow. Making himself comfortable he prepared to sleep. "Night Anubis. And thanks".

"Yeah yeah just sleep already", I roll my eyes. Grim already went back up, but just before entering my room I decided to check up on Khana.

Seeing her peacefully sleeping figure, curled up in her blanket I felt the beast inside me tempt me. He told me how she was vulnerable and how I could just take her right here........ but no. I had to wait and be patient.

She'd never forgive me for doing that to her. So I kiss her forehead and carefully shut the door. Walking back to my room I laid down under the covers and fell asleep.


I woke up bright and early as I remembered .......... It was teaching day. I finally get to see Crewel after all these years...... woooo........ He's gonna kill me.

Getting up I put on a nice pair of pants shirt jacket and shoes before epacking my bag full of supplies and head downstairs. I start to make breakfast since I know those lazy asses couldn't be bothered.

And we don't need students fainting on us do we? Why yes yes. I am sooooo gracious! Taking out the egg, sugar, milk and bread I start making some French toast.

And of course while they're making, I take out some syrup and powdered sugar before putting on the kettle. Imagine my surprise when I found Ace snoring on the couch. When did he get here? Meh.

Anubis must've let him in. Putting everything on their plates I finally sat down to eat, in anticipation and fear of how his day will go.

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