Beach Head

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Water lapped against my body, as I stared absently into the war torn sky. Suddenly I came to my senses with a deep frantic breath. I started treading water and looked out at the blood and body filled sea. Huge towers of black smoke and fire was consuming the Titan. I must have drifted a ways away, because the Titan was a good 500 meters away. It hit me. I was with sarg. "Sargent! Sarg!" I started swimming to the nearest body, face down in the sea, blood filled the water around him. I flipped him over and it was no one I knew. "Sarg!" I continued the next body was face up, it was Sargent. "Stop your yelling kid." He said in a weak voice as he floated in the blood water.

His face was pail, a lifeless color. His abdomen was ripped open, all his organs were bloated from the sea water rushing into his cavity. "Sarg, you're pretty messed up." I said with a knot growing in my throat. "Your a bad lair kid." He said with blood filling his mouth. Another thunderous explosion originated from the Titan. "Kid." he said to get my attention. "Ya sarg." With a limp arm sarg reached into his pistol holster and pulled out a custom 1911. Engraved silver on all the steel parts, and the handle grip was made of what looked like white oak. "I was going to give this to my soon once i got back from the pacific. . ." He took a moment to catch his breath. "but i don't think ill have a chance. So if you make it out alive, give it to him if you can." His arm went limp and released the weapon. I could still hear his raspy breathing< but i didn't know how long it would continue. I looked sarg over and took three clips for his 1911, and put them in my satchel with my M1 rounds that no longer had a purpose. I had lost my rifle in the blast. After that i just leaned back into the sea and let myself float to the shores of Hokkaido.


I woke to the sounds of screaming troops and explosions only 150 meters away. The sea was now completely red with blood and torn body's, some still alive and screaming for mercy. I flipped over and started swimming to the blood soaked beach. I could see dirt and limbs being thrown up by arty from both sides. Once in a while water would find its way into my mouth with a foul taste of death. My combat boots felt ground and a line of rounds cut through that water at me I dived into the water to avoiding the rounds. I continued as far as I could without surfacing, and burst up through the red water's surface taking a deep breath. I heard the whistle of shells coming down, I heard a Marine yell "Cover!" And dive. The shell burst only 10 meters away me slightly submerged. The Shockwave hit me like a baseball bat, throwing me off my feet.

I rose up again not hesitate to sprint for the nearest cover. Which was a fallen tree. Two other Marines lay beside me. I was soaked head to toe with red water. I pulled out sarg's 1911 and loaded a mag. As I pulled back the slide I looked around the beach. It was a thin strip of blood and body filled sand, the tree line met the shore to my right but was filled with japs. The trenches were only 50 meters ahead but over the trenches were pillbox after pillbox and massive arty guns. "What beach is this!?" I said over the chaos to the marine next to me. "Delta!" He yelled. Damn my beach is bravo to the east of here. "You Don't mind if I help do you!?" "We'll take anything we can get!" The other Marine to my right poked his head up, just to have a round go through his face. Pieces of his brain an bone splattered on me. I tucked away the 1911 and took the dead man's rifle, and helmet that still had hair and skin from its previous owner, as well as a disturbing hole in the back of it. No time to pray for him now.

I tried not to make the same mistake as him and rolled to the vegetated part of the tree and looked ahead. A pillbox overlooked our position and wire kept us from advancing, if any of us even tried we'd be torn apart. How the hell are we getting out of this. Just as the words came out of my mouth a dozen over sized landing craft made it to shore withe Stuart tanks as there cargo. One was consume by fire before it could roll if the craft. One directly behind us rolled up to us and sent a round over our heads.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2015 ⏰

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