The meeting with my sister

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MERCY'S POV:I walked it to my room,we are or blackwatch is expecting a new member so some extra help will be nice. They are going to have me give her the respawn shit I sat down then looked up once I heard the door open and froze. "NATALIA!?" "Heeyyyy...Heh" "Your the new member!?" "Mhm..." "so your cruelty...makes so much since you are bat shit crazy" "fuck you!" But she laid down she knew how this worked since I've told her many times so I started but I saw so much scars I'll ask later. Once I was done she woke up and got into her clothes. "So...what's up with the scars?" "Ran away from the law about a couple of times" "at lea-" "a couple of hundred times" "WHAT!?" "YOU CAN'T SAY SHIT!" "I CAN AND FUCKING WILL!" We were arguing but left it because Gabriel came in.

"What is happening!?" "My sister joined!" "Oh so you met Natalia" "yeah!" "Okay,y'all figure it out but shut up! You guys are loud as hell!!" "Yes sir" "okay" soon he left and I glared at my sister,I don't do it often only when I'm disappointed in her. I tried to lead my sister into a safer jobs but she always found was to get in trouble to the point the cops knew her first and last name,it all started just because of some god damn horror movies! I sighed and that's when my sister looked me in the face. "Look,I hated feeling caged in that house so I joined. It was the only thing that lets me feel free and be myself or as much as I can without getting in trouble with the cops. I know your disappointed but your going to have to accept I'm not quitting...I'll see you later" with that she left me alone with my thoughts. I'll be damed if anyone here thinks their good enough for my little sister and I'll make sure that this job feels like hell and make her quit.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2022 ⏰

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Mercy's death Angel:Yandere overwatch x Fem!Oc x Yandere!sister!mercyWhere stories live. Discover now