𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐥

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"Okay, so club officers," Kristy said as the group, The Baby-Sitters Club if you will, walked. "I have the most expirience, and the club was my idea. So I am president." Stacey scoffed. "I'm bossy. Get used to it."

"Kristy," Mary Anne said.

"Claudia, you're vice president since we're meeting in your room."

"Yes!" Claudia exclaimed. Stella couldn't help but smile at how cute Claudia looked when she was happy.


"What else?" Kristy asked herself. "We need someone to handle business expenses, someone to handle marketing, social media--"

"I can be treasurer," Stella shrugged.

"Yes, perfect--"

"Kristy!" Mary Anne shouted. "I want to be secretary. I'm organized and excellent at record keeping. I'll also start a Google doc recording the details of our jobs, and I'll take minutes at every meeting and distribute them at the end of the week. If that's okay with everybody?"

"Yeah, that'd be great!"

"That's the most I've ever heard her speak," Stacey muttered to Claudia.

"I've known her since birth and same," Claudia admitted.

"Okay, the fatest thing would be to use our existing platforms to curate a community of influencers," Stacey explained. She was in charge of marketing so she handled all the social media stuff as well. "Give me your insta handles and I'll cross reference your followers."

"Isn't it illegal to be on Instagram before you turn 13?" Mary Anne asked.

"Social media rots your brain," Claudia shrugged.

"That's why I love it," Stella told her,

"I always forget to take pictures unless it's of my own tounge, and that's by accident when I'm trying to see if there's something in my teeth," Kristy admitted.

"May I make a suggestion?" Janine asked from the doorway of Claudias bedroom.

"Do we really have a choice?" Claudia asked her sister.

"Given the challenge inherant, as the yellow hair noted, in building a platform from scratch, I would ascertian the most effective solution to your dilemma may be an analog one." Everyone just looked at her confused. "Perhaps Claudia could create something you might distribute throughout the community."

"Like a flyer?" Stella asked.


"I could help Stella with being treasurer," Stacey suggested after she was kicked out of her job.

"Works for me." Stella shrugged.


"Excuse me!" Stacey shouts as her, Claudia, and Stella chase down a mother pushing her baby in a stroller. "Hi, we're The Baby-Sitters Club."

"Call us if you need us," Claudia adds.

She grabs Stella and Staceys hands and pull them away. Stella looks back as they ran and shouted, "Bye!"


They had handed out almost all their fliers, except one. Now the entirety of The Baby-Sitters Club stood around a mailbox as Claudia placed the final flyer inside.


Later, they all sit around Claudias room, waiting for the phone to ring.

"Are you sure this thing actually works?" Kristy asked.

"The Etsy shop I bought it from said it's fully operational," Claudia shrugged.

"Yeah, but it's 25 years old."

"It's iconic."

They all gasp when the phone rings.

"Oh, my gosh!" Stacey said. "Sorry, I was just testing."

"It's 5:23. I should go," Mary Anne said, checking her phone.

"The meetings last until 5:30," Kristy told her. "We all agreed."

"My dad hates it when I'm late."

"Okay, but what happens when a client gets home late?" Kristy asked. "You can't just leave a little kid at home because your dad might call the FBI."

"I got it!" Stella shouted when the phone rang. She fell off her chair with a gasp and crawled over to the phone. "Good afternoon, Baby-Sitters club. This is Stella Arden, treasurer, speaking."

"Yes, Stella, Watson Brewer here."

"It's Watson," Stella said, handing the phone to Kristy.

"How did you get this number?" Kristy asked.

"You gave me a flyer," Watson told her. "Anyway, look, I need someone to watch Karen and Andrew tomorrow afternoon while I'm at the office, and I thought I'd see if your club could help."

"Isn't tomorrow Saturday and don't you only get your kids on the weekends?"

"Kristy, what are you doing?" Claudia asked.

"Hold, please," Kristy told Watson. "Watson wants someone to watch his kids tomorrow, Karen and Andrew."

"Oh, my god! It's our first job!"

"When is it?" Stacey asked.

"Two o'clock."

"Oh, bummer, thats when my life drawing class starts," Claudia frowns.

"What?" Stella asked.

"It's a college level art class where you draw live models in the nude. "

"Claudia, ew!" Kristy groaned.

"I'm not nude, they're nude," Claudia told her.

"I'm sorry. I can't do it either," Stacey said. "I'll be in New York with my parents."

"Our first weekend open for business and your out of town?" Kristy asked.

"It was really last minute."

"None of us are gonna sit for Watson Brewer anyway," Kristy told them. Claudia sighed and snatched the phone up. "Claudia, what are you doing?"

"Muting you before you totally alienate our only client," Claudia told her, pressing the button on the phone.

"There will be more, and he's just some jerk who's trying to find a way to abandon his kids on one of the only two days a week he gets to see them. My club is gonna help him do that, period."

"You mean our club, and he's the only person thats called this entire meeting," Stella scoffed. "Mary Anne, is the calender open?"

"Kristy and I are free," Mary Anne told her. Usually Stella would've been avalible too, but that was the day her grandparents were visiting. They were coming from Mexico, so she had to be there to see them.

"Kristy has made her feelings very clear. Do you wanna sit for Watson tomorrow?" Claudia asked.

"Mary Anne, no," Kristy said.

"Quit bossing her around. Honestly, you're making me remember why I stopped hanging out with you so much. Mary Anne, do you want this job?" Mary Anne nodded and Claudia unmuted the phone. "Hi, Watson. This is Claudia Kishi. Your sitter will be Mary Anne Spier."

𝐈 𝐃𝐢𝐝 𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐁𝐚𝐝 - 𝐂𝐥𝐚𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐚 𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢Where stories live. Discover now