Chapter 9: Insight

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*9:45 am*

The morning sun shines through the curtains of the once dark room, brightening it up ever so slightly. In the middle of the room sits a king-sized bed. And underneath maroon-colored comforters lies an alpha. Spikey blond hair, and a well-sculpted body, soundly asleep, basking in the silence of his empty home.

Or so he thought.

Rubied eyes widened immediately to the sound of a loud thump that could be heard from down the hall. Before a second thought could be made to register what made the loud noise, the alpha was swiftly making his way down to what seemed to be the kitchen.

"I don't know who had the balls to break into my damn house, but they're definitely going to lose a pair when I'm finished with 'em." He thought as he edged closer to the kitchen. And then the smell of fried eggs and the sound of light mumbling filled his senses. 

He popped his head around the corner, only to find a young teen on the floor, rubbing a bruise on his head and mumbling incoherently. His hair was ash blond, just like the alpha eyeing him from the corner. But when the boy looked up at the male staring down at him, emerald green eyes captivated the rubied peepers of the other. Then the kid suddenly spoke.

"Are you going to sit and eat? Or just stand there, staring at me from behind the corner like a creepy fuck?" He asked, as he stood up and went to the sink to wash his hands.

And in a flash, the memories from just a few hours ago hit Katsuki like a bullet.

-That rude ass kid, cooking in the kitchen was his son.

-He and Izuku Midoriya –a.k.a Deku– had a legitimate child together.

-He's staying here because Deku was kidnapped and is in need of saving.

-And the worst realization of them all……………Shoto Todoroki is his best friend……….

Katsuki's head was spinning like a dreidel. He felt dizzy and took a seat at the table with a confused look on his face. What he thought was just a very weird dream, turned out to be such a cruel reality.

The alpha then looks at the boy in the kitchen. "Why is he cooking? If he was hungry, he should've just woken me up. I don't need a brat burning my fucking house down." He thought as he continued to watch Haru cook.

And then a pan caught fire.

Haru swiftly took the pan off the stovetop and started tossing what seemed to be vegetables, diminishing the fire in the process. He put the veggies back on the stove and proceeded to a different pan."You can relax y'know? I know what I'm doing. I'm gonna burn your fucking house down." He reassures, referring to the blond alpha behind him –standing up from his seat, slightly panicked.

"Tch." He eye-rolled. "If you were hungry, you should've just asked me," Katsuki said. "But I like cooking. And I always cook the food at home." The teenager then put a plate in front of the old man. "Dashi eggs over steak and rice with a side of sauteed vegetables?" He examined the food. "Yup. Now hurry up and eat so I can finish washing the dishes, old man."

Katsuki took a bite of the food and was astonished. It was amazing! But he'd never admit that aloud. Instead, he snarked, "Why does Deku have a 7-year–" the boy Interrupted "I'm 13 you Jackass!"

"Tch. Fine! Why does Deku have a 13-year-old, cooking every meal? His food sucks so much, you had to learn to cook for yourself?" He smirked. And then caught the fork that was accurately thrown at him.

"On the contrary, I love my mother's food. He just doesn't have the time to cook so I do it for him." Haru stated. "Well, why not? Shouldn't the omega take care of its pup?" Katsuki asked. It's unsettling, to say the least, that Deku of all people didn't have time to care for his child.

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