·˚𝙭𝙭𝙭𝙞𝙞. ༘༄ ꒰𝘙𝘦𝘴𝘤𝘶𝘦𝘥 𝘣𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘏𝘪𝘱𝘱𝘰꒱ؘ*ੈ✩

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"The Scales are balanced. Your heart is full. Your journey is over," 

Marc held his heart closer to his chest, looking over the Field of Reeds, "It's so— quiet," he mumbled in awe.

"The peace you've always wanted but never had," Taweret said, "You're manifesting it. No danger. No loneliness or hurt,"

"What about Steven?" 

"He's gone, Marc. The Duat has him. Please enjoy your peace,"

"It took her too. Y/N," Marc frowned to himself, swallowing, "I lost her again,"

The goddess hung her head slightly, "It shouldn't have happened. It wasn't supposed to,"

"We need to go back for them,"

"It doesn't work like that. Leave here, and you can't return," Taweret replied, "Anyway, you don't need them anymore, Marc,"

"So I get to go on to eternal peace, and they just— stay lost in the sand forever? No, I'm not good with that," he turned around, running past the goddess.

"Wait!" Taweret yelled out at him in caution, "Think about this!"

Marc had sprinted a distance when he turned around. The Field of Reeds had vanished from sight and was now replaced by the never-ending Duat. 

Marc looked around in astonishment and continued jogging forward, searching for you and Steven.

── 。゚: *. .* :. ───

"My path is set, same as anyone's,"  Ammit strode towards the gods, "I'm here to bring balance,"  

"You speak of balance, yet you choose him," Khonshu hollered, "Your Avatar is a sinner!"

"You're jealous of his loyalty," the goddess brushed it off as she circled him.

"Loyalty at what cost?" Heka intervened sharply, "An empty world for your disciples to inherit? "

"Don't listen to him," Harrow interjected, speaking politely to the goddess, "He only wants to keep you bound,"

── 。゚: *. .* :. ───

Marc had found you and Steven in the sands, half buried. 

When he was young you and Steven had always protected him and gave him an escape from the harsh realities without even knowing it. You both saved him when he was young and again when the Duat came for him. Now, Marc had come back for you both.

He fell to his knees in front of you both, eyes glazing over.

── 。゚: *. .* :. ───

"Oh, Khonshu, for a God, you are low on faith," Ammit chided.

"You'll never learn,"  Khonshu braced his staff over his head, preparing to fight the goddess and Heka too held a fighting stance.

── 。゚: *. .* :. ───

The massive Gates of Osiris opened, a brilliant beam of golden light stretching through the three of you.

You gasped as your body returned from the frozen sand state to its original human form.

"Oh, love, you're back too!" Steven half-laughed in relief.

Marc sagged forward, huffing in happiness, "Oh, babe, are you okay?"

"I think so—Oh my god," you groaned, feeling your heart race, as you blinked hard, "That does not feel good. Ugh, I'm never ever ever dying for your stupidass again!" you seethed at the men in front of you, "Ass-es," you rephrased, pointing from Steven to Marc.

"Oh, please don't," Marc chuckled at you, eyes shining in emotion as a smile stretched his face.

"Don't leave me again," Steven shook his head with a soft smile, "Us," he corrected quickly, glancing at Marc.

Without any warning, both men lunged and pulled you into a hug simultaneously, arms going around your middle to embrace you tightly.

"Woah," you sat back on your haunches from the force, smiling to yourself as each of your palms went behind their respective heads.

"Wait, you came back?" you blinked at Marc, "Are you mad?"

"Did you, uh," Marc cleared his throat awkwardly, "Hear my little speech?"

"It wasn't a little speech,"

Steven and Marc helped you up to your feet, both of their arms holding your lower back while you draped each of your arms around their necks for support.

"Oh, the gates are open," Steven pointed towards the gate when you three pulled back from the hug. Hand in hand, you three began to advance towards the gates.

"Well shit," you looked over your shoulder and saw how a large wave of sand was heading in your direction, "C'mon!" you urged the men.

── 。゚: *. .* :. ───

The three gods were all locked in combat; Ammit swung her tail at Khonshu, knocking him a few feet back while she tussled with Heka. Although the gods never yielded, struggling against the goddess with all their might.

── 。゚: *. .* :. ───

"Coming through!" Tawaret's voice cut the rumbled of the sand behind, "Osiris, you ol' softie!" she merrily yelled, sand pouring over the railing as she curved the boat around and faced you all, "Now, run!"

"Hippo!" Steven cheered, taking a moment to raise his hands above his head.

"Yeah! Hippo!" you repeated after him merrily.

"C'mon!" Marc caught both your and Steven's arm, dragging you both towards the gate, "Go, go, go,"

"I think I'm slowing you guys down," you muttered, seeing how your leg was still in the frozen sand state.

"I don't care, We're not going without you," Marc stated strongly.

"Yeah, c'mon, love. We're almost there," Steven encouraged as he himself limped slightly as he helped you forward.'

You stumbled forward at the gate and bright light enveloped you, pulling you towards it.

── 。゚: *. .* :. ───

𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐆𝐎𝐃𝐒 {𝕞•𝕜﹠ 𝕝•𝕗} ➣ ❘ [𝖒𝖔𝖔𝖓𝕶𝖓𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙 𝖝 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗]Where stories live. Discover now