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Giovanni Bianchi ||

"Pass me the peanuts."

I ask Apollo while he eats his peanuts. He stops and looks up from them meeting my eyes. He shakes his head continuing to eat them.

"Seriously?" Apollo just shrugs and spins around in his chair. "You have so much. You know what they say sharing is caring."

"Good thing I'm not caring," Apollo tells me. I let out steam through my nose as I lay back in my wheely chair.

"Stop arguing about peanuts and read the files," Ryder says to me, putting files in front of my face.

I can't focus when I'm hungry and there's someone in front of me eating food. I internally groan and look at the files of my father.

I ended up telling the rest of the guys what happened. I knew I would need help on something like this. I also know it would be hard to keep from them because I can't keep secrets from them, very well.

They all agreed to help in whatever way they can. Anderson is in charge of finding my father's location which seems to be the hardest part. It's like wherever my father went he covered it up. Made sure not a single trace of him was left behind.

We haven't had something this hard in almost four years.

We had this mission, that needed all of us because it was that big. All of us had to find out where this gang member was holding these women captive. It took us almost three months to figure it out because the gang member covered his tracks. Until one day we roamed the streets asking people if they had seen him and someone spoke up. We ended up finding him, in no less than 10 minutes. Saved all those women by killing him.

I just hope this doesn't take us that long. I just want to keep Rose and Belle safe from this.

I stare at the files of my father and see it's the same I've gone over like twenty times. "I already saw these."

"Well, look over it again," Ryder tells me.

"Nothing changed in the last five minutes that I looked at this." I close the file and rake my fingers through my hair impatiently.

"It's hard to find anything on your father. These files we had to dig from the fucking grave to find."

I look over at Ryder who's already looking at me. His head drops and he stands up. "We should take a break. We've been going at this all day. I've barely seen my pregnant hormonal wife who might fucking stab her nails into my neck if I don't spend at least an hour with her."

I nod my head agreeing. I've only seen Rose in the morning and then told her we had work and left.

"Yeah, I have a kid to take care of," Lincoln says pulling his phone out.

"I have-," Apollo stops mid-sentence causing me to look over at him. We all do. "Nothing. Just want to leave." I scrunch my eyebrows wondering what he was going to say.

I see Anderson hasn't gotten up like the rest of us. "Anderson. You can stop working." He shakes his head.

"Need to find." He doesn't lift his eyes from the laptop as his deep voice speaks. We all shrug knowing that we can't convince him to leave. I pile up the files together and leave them on the table. I walk around and pat Anderson on the back as a thank you.

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