First day

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You wake up to the sound of school bells *thinks*I fell asleep in class on my first day ugh whatever you go to the cafeteria to find your friends Mike will Dustin and Lucas you sit down hi Mike hi y/n Mike says well well well Eddie comes and sits down at your table who is this Mike this is Eddie he's our D&D master you whisper to Mike he's kind of cute you turn to Eddie and ask if you can join hellfire he says sure the bell rings so you go outside after lunch Eddie finds you hello Y/n Eddie says hi Eddie Eddie asks if you're busy after school no I'm not so he invite you to his place after school you agree

*at y/n locker*

You ready to go Eddie says one more minute you say you're putting the rest of your books back in your locker and he walks away intending to wait for you in his car but by the time he started to walk away you already done so you catch up with him you get in Eddie's car and your friend Steve sees you get into his car and he asked what's going on you say I'm going with Eddie he will drop me off home Steve says that he will tell your mom that You're at his house you thank him and drive off 


Wow your house is so big,  yeah after the Chrissy crumble incident my uncle started working triple shifts and we moved out of the trailer and I stopped selling drugs so it was a win-win for everyone Eddie says you smile at Eddie
You have a Beautiful smile Eddie says while smiling at you you hit him and say stop flirting with me
You both laugh


Eddie opens the door and you screen and run upstairs

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