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Jason get excited because he thinks your finally going to kiss him
He Puckers up his lips ready for a kiss and then you...

Hit him in the face and
then you stare at him as you kiss Eddie instead
Yes you say to Eddie we are dating
*The bell rings*
You grab Eddie's hand and takes him outside
You both laugh about what you just did
Y/n Eddie's says
Come with he
He grab you hand and you both run to his car
Eddie says Get in
You both get in the car
Why are we in the car you ask
We are skipping
Eddie starts the car
A teacher sees you both and try's to stop you both but Eddie has already started the car
You start laughing as the teacher chases the car


Why did you want to skip you ask
Well I didn't think Jason and his friends were going to react good to you punching him and I didn't want him or his friends hurting you
You smile and hug Eddie
Want to listen to me playing guitar
Eddie grabs you and sits you in his lap you blush he sets his chin on you shoulder and starts to play

*3 hours later*
Eddie looks down and sees you fell asleep in his lap so he picks you up and gently sets you on his bed with him and he falls asleep cuddling you

*the next day *

You wake up and Eddie is not there so you run downstairs thinking that out of kindness he let you sleep and went to school
You find Eddie in the kitchen making breakfast
Good morning princess
He kisses your four head
You sit down and he hands you a plate of food and starts to walk away
We're are you going don't you need to eat
I already did I'm going to change
Oh okay
You finish eating and then go upstairs to change
You hear Eddie's phone go off and then he scream so you run to his room and then....

I fell  in love with the crazy manWhere stories live. Discover now