Chapter 1-Cas

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-Cas POV-





My annoying alarm I had set the night before was doing its job and now I have to get up and do mine.

I open my eyes slowly, roll over to my nightstand, and look at my phone. Turning the alarm off, I see my notifications on the screen. My brother Gabriel had texted, "Have fun sweetie! It's your first day of school, so proud<3<3" making me roll my eyes. Yes, I love being a teacher but having a 'comic' as a sibling doesn't exactly motivate me to go to work. 

I finally reply to him after a couple of minutes questioning his life, "Gabe you know I'm 32 and the teacher, right? I don't need you to text me every first day of school." he replied back fast, almost knowing I'd answer like that, "Love you too, Cassie-Poo<3". God, he knows that nickname makes me want to strangle him...

After getting ready, I finally leave my house, coffee in hand, before getting into my beat-up car and heading off to the school. Arriving there at about 7:45 per usual, I started getting the classroom ready for the students and parents coming at 8:30 by putting up the first day of school decorations and writing my name on the whiteboard. 

I finished at 8:10 and finally sat down to catch my breath, one of the only things on my mind being 'Don't screw up'. Even though I've been a teacher for five years now, I still get nervous on the first day. Realizing that I still have 20 more minutes, I pull out my laptop from my bag and start checking emails to distract myself. But my distraction doesn't last long.

Five minutes into being on my computer, I see movement in my peripheral from the hallway. I shrugged thinking nothing of it until

*Knock Knock Knock*

I look up from my desk fully expecting to see a tired Omega mother and an extremely nervous-looking child but instead, I see a lively Alpha woman holding hands with a very excited boy. They looked nothing alike. She had red hair and a face covered in freckles topped with brown eyes while the boy was sporting brown hair and blue eyes. "Hello, may I help you?" I start the conversation off. "This is the kindergarten classroom, right?"   "Yep! You're in the right place. Name?"   "Oh, right, his name is Jack Winchester" I look down at the attendance list and sure enough I see 'Jack Winchester'. I pause briefly. 


That name sounds so familiar, but I can't seem to put my finger on it. I look back up to them, "Here and accounted for," I peer over to him, "Hi! My name is Mr. Novak and you're the first one here Jack, so you can get any seat you want" I say nodding to the desks. I see his face light up and he rushes over to one of the front row seats and throws his stuff down.

I get up from my chair and walk over to the woman, who is trying to leave, and stopped at a professional distance. "Are you the mother?" I ask and follow up with, "We usually ask that the parents are present for the first day." A surprised look flashed across her face momentarily before recovering with a small laugh, "Oh gosh no, my name is Charlie Bradbury," she said, shaking my hand briefly before continuing, "Just an assistant doing what they're told. His father will be here for pickup."  "Oh, I see. Well, you can inform Mr. Winchester that I will see him at 3:00, ready to answer any and all questions he has." I can see a humorous glint in her eyes as she jokingly salutes me and replies with "Yes, sir." making me laugh and walking out the door. 

After coloring with Jack for 10 minutes, other students begin to show up and I can finally begin orientation day. It goes by pretty smoothly, with a few parent questions here and there which I had prepared answers for, and finally 2:50 rolls around. Most students and parents left at this time which left me alone with Jack yet again. 

"Well, Jack, what do you want to do now? We still have some time before your dad gets here" I said. He thought for a moment, scrunching his face up in the most adorable 5-year-old way, before replying with, "Mr. Novak, I need to go to the bathroom please, and thank you." I laugh a little and point him to the bathroom before returning to my desk, standing with my back to the door, and start organizing the papers on top that I made a mess of. 

Soon, there is a knock at the door and a throat clearing. Before I even turn around, I can already sense that it's an Omega man, and my first thought is 'had one of the fathers come back for some reason?'. I turn to face them, only to be presented with a pair of the most beautiful green eyes I've ever seen. I had a strange feeling in my chest like somehow, I had known him for years. I recover myself enough to talk, "May I help you, sir?" I say, leaning back against my desk trying to be as professional as possible when this bow-legged beauty was standing in my doorway. I was silently praying that he couldn't see my very obvious 'holy shit' reaction. 

"Hi," he started, his graveling voice and damn near perfect smile almost making me sport a boner right then and there. 'Pull yourself together Castiel!' The man continued, "I'm looking for the kindergarten classroom, I'm picking up my son, Jack." It all clicked now, "Ah yes. Mr. Winchester, right?" He looked like he almost had a blush on his face, "Please, call me Dean. And you are?"   "I'm Jack's teacher, Mr. Novak but you can call me Castiel."   "Castiel? Sounds almost angelic," The corner of his mouth twitched upward at his joke, "How about Cas? Castiel is a bit of a mouthful." So many dirty thoughts came with that word 'mouthful' but all of them were thrown out the window when we broke eye contact because Jack came walking back into the room. 

Jack's face lit up when he saw Dean, "Daddy!"  Dean returned the excitement, "Hey buddy! How was your first day?"   "It was sooooo much fun. I like Mr. Novak. Can we keep him, Daddy?" I blush slightly at that, and Dean looks over at me and gives me a smile before looking back at Jack, "Hey, what do you say you get in the car and wait for me with Charlie so I can talk a little more with Mr. Novak here? I'm sure Charlie is dying to here how your day was!" My heart skips a little, what does he want to talk about? I don't have much time to ponder that as Jack runs over to me and hugs my legs before skipping out of the classroom and down the hall. Dean's attention turns back to me, and he starts to slowly walk in my direction...

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