Chapter 2-Cas

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-Cas POV-

As Dean approached me, it was as if time itself slowed. His eyes were peering into mine and our first bit of physical touch was electric. His hand took my own into its grasp and my face felt as if it were on fire. His rough calloused palm complemented my soft one. In an effort to get the Omega closer, to feel more of him, I pulled him to me gently. 

God, his scent is like heaven. I could make out vanilla, expensive cologne and motor oil. His head rested above mine. I would have been dominating his height had I not been sat on top of my desk. I saw his eyes roam my face before resting on my lips. I copied him and looked slightly down from his eyes and found his full pink lips ready for the taking. He leaned his head back, offering his neck for scenting and my breath was all but lost. "Cas," he rasped, my new nickname practically rolling off of his tongue, "Cas" he repeated, "Alpha"...

Except his mouth never moved...

My vision faded and I saw reality once again. 'Oh my god. You've got to be kidding me' I think to myselfDean's voice had brought me back and he was standing a foot away from where I was on my desk. "You okay Cas? Thought I lost you there for a minute," he stated looking straight into my eyes, waiting for my answer. 

I blushed lightly, "Yeah, I'm- I'm fine, sorry. It's just been a long day." I reply, I look down and rub my eyes before returning his gaze, "You know, Jack is a very bright kid. I was surprised at his enthusiasm to learn more. Is Jack what you wanted to talk about?" I say quickly, changing the topic. 

"Kind of," he gave a little shrug and looked to the ground, shuffling his feet around, "Oh gosh this is kind of an awkward topic," he mumbled under his breath before looking back up at me, "I was wondering if maybe some days you would be open to," he paused looking away, "taking Jack home?" his face cringed as he finished his sentence and his gaze returned to my face as if reading for my reaction. 

"Why would I need to take him home? Wouldn't Charlie be able to handle that?" Dean gave a small laugh at Charlie being mentioned, "Charlie has more important things she needs to be getting done and I work all day. We live downtown closer to the tree line of the forest, so it's not too far from here. I would be able to drop him off every morning but pick-up I will need some help with," he stated. 

I think about it for a moment, weighing the pros and cons, when one very prominent con pops up, "My car is kind of busted making it not very reliable, I would need to get it repaired before driving into town like that every night. Do you maybe know a mechanic who would be willing to do work like that for not a lot? It's no secret that teachers are not the wealthiest of people." I give a slightly pained laugh. 

Dean's face lights up, "I used to be a mechanic, I'll do the repairs necessary in return for you driving Jack home!"   "Dean I couldn't possibly ask you to-"   "Nope, I'm going to and you won't stop me. It's a win-win scenario." He smirks and gives a little thumbs up. 'Cute little bossy Omega' I think to myself. 

Dean blushes darkly all of a sudden and I bring my hand up to my face to cover my embarrassment, "I said that out loud didn't I." He gives a little head nod before replying, "Yeah, yeah you did," I drop my hand back to the desk's edge and look at him yet again to apologize but found a bold look on his face. He walked toward me, closing the space between us, laying his hands on top of mine that were gripping the edge of my desk in an effort to control myself. I could feel his warm breath fanning across my face and his addictive scent clouded my brain.

Dean gazed into my eyes for only a second before bringing his lips to my ear, "I usually don't do this with Alphas I've just met but I've never met one like you. Come to my office on Wednesday, there we can have a more private chat." A strangely possessive growl almost erupted from my throat when the Omega mentioned other Alpha's, but his other words sunk in eventually. 

I closed my eyes and steadied my uneven breathing. It took everything in me not to grab him right then and there. Dean pulled away, the same cocky smirk on his face before turning and walking towards the door, "See you tomorrow, Cas!"

My eyes ripped open, and I was about to call out after him, but I felt something lodged in the gaps between my fingers. I lifted my hand, looking at what was there. Dean gave me his business card. I look closer at it and finally realize how I knew the name Winchester. He was one of the most respected businessmen in the country. Holy shit. Gorgeous, Omega, successful, independent, loving father, possibly single. That's one hell of a combo. Plus the things that he was already doing to me were torturous. 'This man is going to be the death of me.'

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