The Wedding

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"It's so stuffy in here." Jimin grumbled, adjusting his tie.

Namjoon grinned down at him, patting his leg. "It won't take long."

"Yeah right."

The venue was magnificent of course. A large blend of architecture and art that matched the personalities of the two grooms perfectly. They had decided on a white and gold theme, unwilling to be the only pair pretending to be pure. It was such a Minhyuk thing to do- that it endeared him even further to Jin's best friends.

"When are those brats getting here? They better not be late- oh my God." Jimin was frozen, staring at the entrance.

Namjoon twisted in his seat to see as well and caught his breath.

Jungkook and Taehyung wore matching black suits, even down to their gold patterned ties and gold soled shoes. Their hair was similarly matching, coiffed and styled to look a little messy. But it was the man between them that had brought the silence. Suga- that gorgeous hybrid, was dressed in a pure white toga of sorts, his hair curled and contained in a gold circlet atop his head. Both items hid his ears and tail almost perfectly. He noticed them as well, golden eyes catching their turned faces and he blushed beautifully, smiling down at the floor.

"Hey! Our Jin is so grown up huh?" Tae gushed approaching them. The trio was oblivious to the attention they were catching, too focused on each other and their friends.

"Yeah pretty amazing. Hey, uh- what the fuck are you doing?" Jimin demanded, his eyes cutting and dark.

Namjoon lay a protective hand on the smaller's chest as if to keep him in his seat.

Jungkook smirked "Jealous hyung? It's such a good look on you."

"Shut the fuck up you fetus. You brought Suga here knowing Jin and Minhyuk would see him?"

Tae piped in "I asked him if it was okay Chimmy. He wasn't worried about it."

Jimin deflated, checking their expressions to ensure they weren't lying. Satisfied, he moved his stuff and pat the seat next to him. "Fine. But you could've warned us too."

"You're right hyung, sorry." Tae murmured, grinning adorably and moving past them.

Hoseok showed up a few minutes later, Lee Know looking cruel and lovely on his arm. The other hybrid had decided not to hide his status, his black pointed cat ears obvious above his purple hair. Hoseok spluttered and choked while introducing him, but the two hybrids seemed to hit it off immediately, talking until the music cued.

Jin was beautiful as usual, Minhyuk an obvious balance that he needed in his life. Namjoon was the only one who didn't cry at the vows. His smile was a little shaky and his eyes watered, but he caught Jin's eye and they shared a knowing wink.

After dinner Lee Know and Suga perused the drink tables looking for cream. Each one had boasted they could drink a full glass fastest, so they'd gone to settle the debate- leaving the Alphas behind.

"Well. You brought interesting dates." Minhyuk spoke suddenly from behind them. The Beta was wrapped coyly in Jin's grasp, his eyes searching their faces.

They flattered him immediately- the suits, the food, the venue. Jin giggled into his husbands' shoulder, lightly drunk and the happiest they'd seen him.

"He's jealous like I knew he'd be. Wanted to watch me fuck that pretty little thing." Jin mumbled into the other's neck. Minhyuk rolled his eyes.

"You're telling me all these saucy details and you didn't even film it or anything. I hate leaving stuff up to the imagination." He pouted and the Alphas cooed.

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