Lexx x Reader

74 1 1

Requested by HumanTeeths
Violence, weaponry and possibly blood tw.


y/n was sitting in a crowd of hooded people. Some they knew, others not at all.

"Welcome brothers and sisters. "
The hooded man with a shiny mask said into a microphone from on top of the stage in the front of the room.


Your head throbbed as words came from speakers but you couldn't understand them. The man speaking into the mask was a higher-up, His name was Sean.
You rubbed your temples and looked up as 2 other people walked onto the stage.

A woman and man, The male being slightly taller than the woman. The woman had black hair, black lipstick, black pants and shoes. You could bearly keep your eyes off her.

Sean continued to rant, the unknown man on stage got on his knees and looked down slightly.
The woman covered her mouth looking happy.

You were staring at her. Just her, she was so pretty you couldn't focus on anything else, until..


the man on his knees fell limp, hitting the floor with a thud.

"I'LL RIP YOUR FUCKING THROAT OUT! " the woman stomped, screaming in anger.
"EVERYBODY STAY ON THE GROUND. " Sean yelled slightly muffled through his mask.

You fall out of your seat curling into a ball and covering your mouth, hoping to not get noticed.
More shots go off as you hear people screaming and running.

Everything goes quiet. You stand up, being thrown off balance being transported to a empty field of grass. You stumble forward onto your knees coughing up blood. You try to stand and fall backwards and close your eyes to the feeling of the wind being knocked out of you.
You open your eyes gasping for air, realizing your in a storage unit hallway.

You hear people talking and something hit against the walls of the unit.
Your chest is heaving up and down, you regain steady breath again. You slowly stand up staggering a bit. You fix your shirt collar and begin to look around.

You were in a tin, grey-ish blue storage unit. It was almost cramped but you could spin around just fine.
You turn to the voices you heard earlier and begin to walk to then blindly.

"YOU'RE GETTING DIRT ON MY BOOTS. " you hear a feminine voice scream. "SHUT IT. " a masculine voice screams as a slam against the tin walls echo throughout the storage unit.
You begin to walk faster out of curiosity.

A few seconds later you can hear shuffling and what sounds like boots cracking against the tin floor.

You approach around the edge hesitantly. You peer around it to see ; 3 hooded men and the woman from earlier. One of the hooded men being the one you know in the reflective mask with the symbol. The other two men are by the womans sides, holding her arms into a T-pose.
Sean has a box cutter to her throat.

You keep staring at the woman, "she's so... Stunning. " you think, thoughts race through your head before you snap back to reality to the sound of the woman struggling.
The woman kicks the masked man in the stomach. "GAH-" Sean grunts falling back. You run in and as Sean is on his back, you grab his arm and then his wrist and grabs the box cutter.

"LET GO OF HER, ASSHOLES. " you run at the hooded men feeling powerful. You slash at one of the men. He stumbles just enough the woman flung her arm out and at the other man. Knocking him in the face.

You run up to the woman and in a panic grab her hand and bolt through the storage unit trying to find and exit.
You hear running and open the closest door and run in and quickly but quietly slam the door.

"Are you okay? " you say panting
"First of all, thank you sweetheart for saving me but I was more than capable by myself. Second of all, I am okay, and who are you, doll? " the woman says releasing your hand.
"RIGHT, I'm y/n." You blurt out feeling stupid and embarrassed.
"Good to know you, Y/n" the woman days smirking.
"My name is Lexx. " The woman says grabbing your hand and leaning towards it.
Lexx kisses your hand softly and smiles against your hand before pulling back up.

Everything stops, all noise in your room and outside of it stops.
"I think it's okay to leave now " you say standing up and peeking out the door.

"That's probably not true, you can't tell for sure. Not here darling. " Lexx says before standing up, her boots clicking as she approaches the door opening it.
You both step out of the room.

"Until we meet again, y/n." lexx says softly before handing you a small paper, and walking away.

"Do you know your way out? " you say but she already left.

You open the paper.
It has a date, time and coordinates.

You should probably go.



word count
850 words

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