as it was

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warning ;; characters may be a bit ooc since it's been ages and for a second a forgot what these characters even looked like

oh , and this is a oneshot , i literally do not have the motivation to write on here at the moment ( in other words , this will not be split into multiple parts from originally planned )

I will , however , still try my best at giving you a good oneshot even if im so tired from my test today >_> which sucked by the way.

So without further ado , here we go !

Both Kanon and Sorrento blocked a ferocious attack. The force sending them back a little as dirt and rock were kicked up. Dust clouding the battlefield.

"Keep on your toes."

"I should be telling you that."

There was another attack, and then another.

The two didn't know how they were managing to hold on against the onslaught.

"Isn't he your brother?"

"Y - yes, but .. with this helmet on he shouldn't be able to recognize me. Besides .. I am a bit surprised to see him here in Asgard. I for sure thought I heard of his death."

"Maybe he came back from the dead," uttered Sorrento, "I hear a few were able to do that."

"Not Saga," Kanon retorted, "he wouldn't have the capability with pulling a feat like that off."

Both were sent flying into a a cliff face. Groans erupting from their mouths from the pain running down their backs.

"Oh yeah? Well, he sure has the capability of kicking our asses."

The two managed to dodge the next attack delivered by Saga, but as soon as they got out of the way a, bronze saint sent a surprise attack from the rear, the blast nicking the back of Sorrento's legs, "damn, forgot he was here too!"

Kanon grabbed a hold of Sorrento's arm as he hauled him to the safety of a few large boulders. The two hiding behind them as the ground began to shake.

"We should make a retreat to Atlantis."

"They'll just follow us there!"

"I know, but there's always a chance we can lose them."

Sorrento thought over Kanon's words a little. A blast shaking the rocks they were hiding behind.

"Fine, but if we don't make it, then try to convince your brother to stop attacking us."

"Will do."

The two made a break for it after kicking up some of their own attacks in order to make a diversion.

They had to at least try to escape successful, yes?

Granted, they were already heavily injured.


"Almost there!"

They didn't have the time to make it though as the bronze saint from before along with Saga had already caught up with them.

"Tch, knew it."

"Dont rub it in."

"Trying to run," Saga finally announced, "didn't get very far, did you?"

He was mocking them. Both Sorrento and Kanon didn't like it for a various of reasons.

But neither of them were in any condition to talk or to fight back.

They were too badly injured. Broken down. Tired.

It was a miracle that they were even able to escape this far from Asgard in the first place. Much less almost reach Atlantis.

"Oh, shut it. Why are you chasing us anyway? I was sure you would give up the run when we passed the forest a little ways ago."

Saga merely smirked as he stood before them. His hand tightly wrapped around his weapon.

"And that is what is so depressing for you all, isn't it? The fact that I didn't give up and kept moving."

The bronze saint got into a fighting position just as Saga did.

"Well I don't have the time or care to give up! Not now, not yet!"

He shit forward, his weapon raised and aimed for Sorrento.

In a split second panic, Kanon had also shot forward. His body moving in front of Sorrento as he flung his arms out to shield any and all attacks from his friend.


Kanon's helmet was slashed off his head. The metal plating splitting in two as the metal parts flung into different directions.

"H - huh?"

Stumbling a little forward, Kanon could only muster up a smile as he looked at his brother.

Saga's face was mixed with confusion and pain. Distress.

"What are you...? Kanon, what are you doing here?"

His voice sounded so lost. So quiet.

Was this his brother standing before him?

Or maybe ... an illusion of some kind?

"Brother, let's stop this."

The bronze saint didn't know what to do, he could only sit back and watch. ( I mean , it wasn't everyday you got to see something like this after all , and actually get to live and tell about it . )

"N - no," Saga looked towards the other one, "and who are you? If this is really Kanon, then..?"

Sorrento took off his own helmet. His eyes piercing into Saga's.

"There is no need to fight, Saga. In fact, why don't you come with us?"

Saga took a step back, his hand motioning for the bronze saint to retreat, and with a little hesitancy the bronze saint finally obliged.

"Join you..., and go where? To Atlantis? The place you were fleeing to merely moments ago?"

Sorrento held out his hand as Kanon straightened. The two were still heavily injured. If Saga wanted to, he could just dispose of them both.

But this will not be AS IT WAS meant to be.

"You both are fools," he said. His hand reaching out.

"And yet you still grab this fool's hand."

Sighing with relief, Kanon could feel a weight lift off his shoulders.

"What about the bronze saint?"

"That one won't know what's going on. Don't worry about him."

The three, being united in a strange twist of fate could only wonder where this would lead them.

Should Saga still be here?

Should he have killed them without a second thought?

Should he have just turned away?

Or maybe taken them both in?

He honestly doesn't know the right answer, but maybe things could be different then how it was.


as it was || kanon x sorrento x saga ✓Where stories live. Discover now