Committee Closed

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Hellions #4

As promised, Kitty Pryde led the next assassination assignment. With her were only two she trusted – Cannonball and Beef. Empath she despised but was careful not to let her emotions control her lest he try to use it against her. As for the Stepford Cuckoos, they were just creepy. No one knew very much about them. One of them, Esme, liked to spend her time with Empath. Sophie seemed to favor Tyler Dayspring. The other three appeared to be ciphers, almost as if they were there only as placeholders while Sophie and Esme did the real living.

Now they were in Los Angeles. This wasn't going to be an easy mission. There was an organization called the Committee with the goal of reviving the U.S. economy, largely through illicit activities. The problem was that they were in competition with the Hellfire Club and they didn't engage in competitive business practices. That meant its leaders had to be eliminated. The normal ones – the Anonymous Leader, Carothers, Hicks and Smith - would be no problem. They were just ordinary humans. It was Baron Thunder who would put up a fight, since he had superhuman strength and endurance. There had been a few others but it was uncertain whether or not they were still around. There was also the possibility of posthuman protectors.

"Here's the strategy I've got mapped out," Ariel began. "Beef and Cannonball are going to be our grunts. You guys will serve as the distraction. That should draw out anything unwanted, leaving Empath and I to head inside. Cuckoos, hide us as best you can and take out anyone in the way. Cannonball, if Beef is in any real danger, pick him up. I want zero casualties on our side. My primary concern is that all of us get out alive. None of us are dying for the cause. Get it?"

Empath said, "My teammates will--"

"--do their jobs," Ariel interrupted. "And so will you. Let me tell you something, Empath. You know your powers have no effect on Illyana. Screw this up, let any of us get hurt, and I guarantee she'll tear out your heart and feed it to her pet demons. Are we clear on that? You play your stupid games on your own time, not in the middle of battle."

"No one speaks to a de la Rocha like that!"

Beef gripped Empath by the neck and hoisted him into the air.

"The lady said to do the mission," Beef said. "If you don't shut the fuck up, I'll snap your neck."

"Stop that," said one of the Cuckoos. No one could tell them apart but it had to be Esme.

In unison, the other four said, "Stop ruining the mission."

As they said those words, the eyes of the Cuckoos glowed. That meant they were exerting control over Empath. In deference to Esme, they simply calmed him down.

Beef set Empath on the ground, satisfied Empath was neutralized as a threat for the time being.

"Let's go," said Ariel.

The Hellions rounded a corner and headed toward what was, to outside appearances, a nondescript building. Inside was another matter. The Committee was having a monthly meeting, meaning that all of its leaders would be present. Ariel gave a nod to Cannonball and Beef, sending them into action.

Cannonball took flight, ramming into a corner of the roof, sending pieces flying. At the same time, Beef hit from the ground, sending bricks flying in all directions.

That done, Ariel signaled the Stepford Cuckoos. Multiples of them seemed to appear inside the building. They were mental projections but capable of channeling psi-bolts. This made things even more chaotic.

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