Chapter 1

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Maya POV

My head hurts so bad. I sit up and hold my head. I look around the room I'm in. This isn't my dorm! O my god! I turn to my right and see a boy. I slept with someone! I get out of the bed and find my clothes. I get dressed and look again at the room I'm in.

O my god. This is Joshua's dorm! Joshua Matthews is my best friend, Riley Matthews's uncle. This is so bad.

I run back to the outer side of campus and head for my dorm. I hope Riley isn't awake. She can't find out about this. I open the door to the dorm and walk in. Riley isn't here.

I walk to my bed and lay down. Riley's probably at her boyfriend Farkle's dorm. I fall asleep hoping Joshua won't remember what happened.


I wake up and the door opens. Riley walks in. Yeah, she was drunk too.

"Hey Riles." I said

"Hey." she said sitting down

"Were you at Farkle's dorm?" I asked

"Yea. You get drunk yesterday?" Riley asked

"Yea, I can see you did too." I laughed

We laughed together and drank some coffee to help us with our hangovers.

"Molly told me she saw you coming into the dorm at like 6 in the morning. Where were you?" Riley asked taking a sip of her coffee

"I - uh" I stuttered

"OMG! Did you get laid?!" Riley squealed

"Riley, my head!" I said

"Sorry. But did you?" Riley asked

"Well, yeah." I sighed

"OMG! Who?!" She squealed

"No one!" I said standing up

"Maya! Tell me!" She begged

I can't tell her I slept with her uncle.

"You don't know him." I said

"Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease!" Riley said

"Riley." I warned

"Maya." she said

"Riley, you don't know him. I'm not telling." I said and walked into my room


I walked out of my room and Riley was watching tv.

"Hey Maya, I'm going to meet up with Farkle and Lucas. Wanna come?" Riley asked

"Yea sure." I said


"Yeah I was so drunk." Riley said

"Me too. What about you Lucas?" I agreed

"Nahh. I didn't want to do anything stupid." Lucas laughed

Everyone laughed wit him accept me. How could I be so stupid? I was drunk and Joshua was probably drunk too. Riley's gonna kill me if she finds out.

"Maya, you ok?" Lucas asked

"Uh yea, I'm just gonna get something to drink." I said and stood up

"Want me to come with you?" Lucas asked

"No, it's ok. I'll be right back." I smiled

I got up from our table and went over to the counter where you order. I ordered my drink and sat at the counter. I turned my head when someone sat beside me. Joshua. I don't know what to say.

"Hey Maya." Joshua said

"Uh hey." I said awkwardly

"Hangover?" He asked

"Yea, but it's not that bad anymore. You?" I said

"Yeah, same. I remember sleeping with someone, but -." Joshua said and I cut him off

What do I do? Does he know it was me? I got up from the counter and grabbed my drink.

"Cool, I'm gonna go now." I said and ran to the table

"Wow, Maya what's wrong?" Riley asked

"Yeah, it's looks like you scared of something." Farkle agreed

"Are you ok?" Lucas asked

I wasn't paying attention to them. I was staring at Joshua praying he would leave and wouldn't talk to me. I don't want him to remember what happened.

"Maya, why are you staring at Josh?" Riley asked

"What? I'm not!" I said

"Not what?" Joshua asked standing at the end of our table

"She was staring at you. Almost like she was scared of you or something." Farkle laughed

Joshua laughed a little then got quiet. He looked at me and took his sunglasses off. I'm so nervous. He gasped and then ran his hand trough his hair. Crap.



Yay! Joshua might remember. Hmmmm....

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