Part 10-the intimate night

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You noticed that Taehyung looked very tense and you thought that that is why he is very angry. You left the room instantly. 

Taehyung phone rings...

Taehyung: Yeobuseyo!! Nuguseyo!!

Man on phone: Sir, the CEO wants to talk to you. 

CEO: Taehyung shhi, let's meet at my house tonight.

Taehyung: Okay, sir. I will be there by 8 PM. 

Taehyung left the documents as it is and didn't sign them. 

It's evening. 

You and Taehyung finished work. 

While leaving the office, You and Eon jo were walking down the entrance. You both saw Taehyung leaving. 

Eon jo rushed to Taehyung.

Eon jo: Oppa, come, let's go together.

Taehyung: No, Eon jo. I have some work. I will come home by 11 PM. I have some important work. Go with Y/N. Be safe. Take care both of you. 

You approached Taehyung and Eon jo and didn't hear their conversation.

Taehyung: Miss Y/N, take care of Eon jo. *coldly*

Eon jo: Oppa... She is my friend. Why are you so cold all of a sudden? Don't talk to her that way.

Y/N: Eon jo, it's okay. Taehyung shii, I can take of everything. The only thing that lacks is trust. It would be great if you can trust people who are genuine.

Taehyung: I am leaving, Eon jo. Bye. *ignores you*

You were thinking why Taehyung is acting like this all of a sudden...

Eon jo: Y/N ahhh, what are you thinking? 

Y/N: Ahhh... sorry. Nothing. I was thinking about my work. 

Eon jo: Gajaa...

You nodded and you both left for home.

You reached home. 

Eon jo started wearing very loose clothes all of a sudden. 

Y/N: Eon jo-yah... Why are you wearing very loose clothes all of a sudden?

Eon jo: Umm... nothing. Just like that. I just wanted to try it once.

You both are having dinner...

Meanwhile, Taehyung went to meet the CEO.

Taehyung arrived at his house and rang the doorbell.

Taehyung: Anyeong Hashibnikka... 

CEO: aahh... anyeong.., come inside Taehyung. How are you doing?

Taehyung: I have been well sir. How are you doing, sir?

CEO: I am doing good. But you are not doing good, Taehyung-aah...

Taehyung: Me? Sir, I don't understand what you are talking about.

CEO: I will explain everything clearly. Come, sit on the couch. 

Taehyung: Yes, sir.

CEO: Taehyung-aah, you know about the picture that's circulating on the internet, right?

Taehyung: Sir, that picture...

CEO: Wait, don't talk about anything now. Let me finish first. 

Taehyung: Joeseong habnida.

CEO: Before you talk or explain anything, let me show you something. 

CEO showed a picture to  Taehyung. Taehyung is shocked to see that picture.

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