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❝ 𝚕𝚎𝚝'𝚜 𝚍𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 ❞


"How excited are you to go to Hawaii!?"

Maddie sighed into an entertained chuckle from her husband's childish behaviour.

Tom followed her with every word spilling from his grinning mouth in a harmonic pattern, as if the excitement to be travelling to such an exotic location holiday lovers always had at the top of their list caused him to become hyperactive and need to sing everything.

But his wife found it amusing, smiling softly with a suitcase of luggage rolling behind her with Tom's footsteps rattling the floor of the living room as themselves and their baggage slid inside.

The alluring hum of Sonic's golden rings rumbled between every wall to separate each cozy room of the home. Even the hundreds of thousands of pine trees rustling in the gentle summer breeze could feel the vibration clatter through the withered soil and up their roots.

Maddie grinned wider and with addition to her elation from the sound that always purred with hope, gasping from the sight of one of Sonic's rings open wide in the centre of the living room.

Sonic himself stood before the luminous golden shape, an image of the tropical location of Hawaii visible through the aurous dust sparkling from the glistening ring.

Ozzy sat by his side, the two of them in the attire of sunglasses with (Y/n) perched to the remnants of the sofa otherwise dismantled and placed in the centre of the room nudged to the wall in order for there to be enough room for the ring to widen.

"Welcome to Sonic Air, the fastest way to travel." Sonic smirked, fully engrossed in his upcoming role play he had been excited to preform all morning.

"Now boarding groups one and two." He stated, adjusting his sunglasses while a clipboard pressed against his chest and a spatula poked between his fingers clenched to keep a hold.

"Aww, Sonic! This is so fun!" Maddie squeaked, approaching her beloved hedgehog friend who could always brighten up anyone's day like how the ring illuminated the room.

Unexpectedly, Sonic held the spatula forward as a gesture to push her aside.

"I'm sorry ma'am, you're group three. Please wait your turn. Anyone from groups one and two?" Sonic stated, volume of his adorable voice increasing to announce the question.

Maddie attempted to retaliate, but the first word simply became nothing stronger than a crack to her throat. She turned to Tom, taken aback as she soon became absorbed into the role play.

"Just let him get it out of his system." Tom chuckled.

"Okay, anybody else? Right this way." Sonic finally gestured to Maddie, the spatula now nudging her forward and closer to the portal leading to the equatorial paradise of Hawaii settled behind the sofa's deconstructed cushions to add the atmosphere of an airport scanning for suspicious belongings.

"Thank you." She replied, following Sonic's guidance as he pretended to scan her with the spatula.

(Y/n) giggled from the side, failing to keep quiet as Sonic had requested for the airport resemblance with the sunglasses that matched his and Ozzy's slipping into her (h/c) hair while the entertaining hedgehog impersonated scanning sound effects.

Sonic performed the same to Tom once he stepped closer forward, a bag of luggage wheeling behind him until he stretched his arms out for Sonic to scan.

"Terrible shirt detected." Sonic sliced as insult into the sound effects, Tom's shoulders loosening like he knew for it to be inevitable.

𝚖𝚘𝚟𝚒𝚎 𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚌 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝟸Where stories live. Discover now